无论是港版还是台版的翻译名(神偷奶爸(台),坏蛋奖门人(港)),都或多或少脱离了despicable和me的语境,直到后来看到一些有关此电影的production notes才有些恍然大悟。
谈及这部电影的构思过程,制片人John Cohen是这么说的:
For a while, we’ve wanted to make a movie about a villain told from the villain’s perspective.之前大部分的animated film都是将好人(heroes)作为主角,而将坏人(villains)作为主角确实不多见,而这正是这部电影能够出奇制胜,打动观众的重要因素,正如另一位制片人Christopher Meledandri所说:
The idea of making an animated film in which the villain is your protagonist is unusual and very challenging. ..You would not have a sense of appreciation for the journey he's gone on as a character had we not started him at that point.Despicable me这个名字正是在强调:这部电影的主角(me)是一个出乎大家意料的反面人物(despicable)。
另一方面,片中Gru的配音Steve Carell接受采访的时候说:
As crazy as Gru sounds and as diabolical and mean and awful as he is, there is humanity to him.It comes out in little bits, all the way through. It says a lot about how people can change, and how aspects of a person can come to the surface, given a different circumstance. People aren’t either good or evil; there’s always some good to evil and there’s always some evil within good. When you see someone who on the surface just seems despicable, and then they’re not, that’s interesting and fun to explore.
毫无疑问,作为主角的配音,Steve Carell将这部电影的内涵理解得很透彻,如果你还记得电影中的那首插曲:
I'm having a bad bad day
its about time that I get my way
steam rolling whatever i see, huh
despicable me就会发现制作团队给这部电影取这个名字很有意思的——观众(尤其是成长期青少年)看完之后将会思考片中Gru的转变:我们每个人都有可能是Gru,在遭受打击与挫折后生发出despicable的念头——这不是一个坏蛋受到感化重新做人的关于he or she的传说,而是一个普通人克服挫折弱点挖掘善念的关于me的故事。
当然,如果题主问题中说的是despicable me 2的话那就当我没说~