

"Wearable smart devices" refers to the wearable devices that developed with intelligent design for daily wear.For example,glasses,gloves,watches,clothing,shoes and so on.


The term “wearable devices” refer to electronic technologies or computers that are incorporated into items of clothing and accessories which can comfortably be worn on the body.


Wearable devices can perform many of the same computing tasks as mobile phones and laptop computers.

4、我们知道,像google glass一样的可穿戴设备经历了用户的多番畅想和厂商的不懈尝试之后,终于走到今天这个阶段.

As we know, wearable equipment, such as google glasses, has gone through multiple rounds of users' feedbacks and producers' trials, eventually coming into what it looks like today.


Other technologies expected to announce new developments are wearable devices, not only smart watches but smart glasses and even smart rings.


Wearable intelligent device, like any other great technological changes, will certainly cause various problems, because new technology has always come before the arrival of relevant laws and courtesy. However, the era of wearable device has come regardless of whether we are ready for it.