歌词:I remembered black skies / the lightning all around me
I remembered each flash / as time began to blur
Like a startling sign / that fate had finally found me
And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve
So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Give me reason / to fill this hole / connect the space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide
There was nothing in sight / but memories left abandoned
There was nowhere to hide / the ashes fell like snow
And the ground caved in / between where we were standing
And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve
So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Across this new divide
In every loss / in every lie
In every truth that you d deny
And each regret / and each goodbye
was a mistake to great to hide
And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve
So give me reason / to prove me wrong / to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Give me reason / to fill this hole / connect the space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide
歌曲名:New Divide
演唱歌手:Linkin Park
期盼已久的传说中的 Linkin Park 新单曲名字确认,叫《New Divide》,该单曲将作为《Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen》(变形金刚2:卷土重来)的主题曲。
在这首Linkin Park专门为电影量身定做的主题曲中,虽然有Chester Bennington的愤怒呼喊声,但却没有Mike Shinoda的Rap,所以那些怀念Mike声音的歌迷们还得再等一段时间。
对于这次为电影创作主题曲,Linkin Park主创之一的Mike Shinoda曾经在乐队的MySpace上表示:“我们有机会为本年度最值得期待的一部电影创作主题曲,这实在是太令人兴奋了。拍摄一支与音乐相配的MV是一回事,但为大银幕制作音乐却是一项完全不一样的挑战,但我们乐意接受这个挑战。”
电影导演Michael Bay则对乐队的表现相当满意,称道“他们的歌曲绝对带出了电影的精髓。”