品名 ? name of commodity
品质 ? quality of goods
凭样品买卖 sale by sample
凭买方样品 buyer's sample
凭卖方样品 seller's sample
凭对等样品 counter sample
回样 ? return sample
确认样品 ? confirming sample
仅供参考 ? for reference only
凭规格买卖 sale by specification
凭等级买卖 sale by grade
凭标准买卖 sale by standard
凭说明书和图样买卖 sales by descriptions and illustrations
凭商标或品牌买卖 ? sales by trade mark or brand name
商标 ? trade mark
品牌 ? brand name
凭产地名称买卖 sales by name of origin
良好平均品质 ? FAQ fair average quality
上好可销品质 ? GMQ good merchantable quality
毛重 ? gross weight
净重 ? net weight
以毛作净 ? gross for net
皮重 ? tare
平均皮重 ? average tare
实际皮重 ? actual/real tare
习惯皮重 ? customary tare
约定皮重 ? computed tare
公量 ? conditioned weight
理论重量 ? theoretical weight
法定重量 ? legal weight
溢短装条款 more or less clause
销售包装 ? sale packing
条形码 bar code
运输包装 ? package for transport
集装箱 container
运输标志 ? shipping mark
指示性标志 indicative mark
警告性标志 warning mark
唛头 ? mark
中性包装 ? neutral parking
滞期费 demurrage
空舱费 dead freight
计价货币 ? money of account
支付货币 ? money of payment
佣金 ? commission
折扣 ? discount
班轮运输 ? liner transport
燃油附加费 bunker surcharge
货币贬值附加费 devaluation surcharge
定程租船 ? voyage charter
定期租船 ? time charter
光船租船 bareboat charter
集装箱运输 ? container transport
国际多式联运 international combined transport
大陆桥运输 ? land bridge transport
海运提单 bill of lading (B/L)
托运人 ? shipper
收货人 ? consignee
被通知人 notify party
预付 prepaid
到付 collect
尺码 measurement
海运船只 ocean vessel
装货港 ? port of loading
卸货港 ? port of discharge
交货地点 place of delivery
收货地点 place of receipt
标志和号码 ? marks and nos
货名 ? description of goods
包装种类和件数 number and kind of packages
运费和其他费用 freight and charges
运费支付地点 ? freight payable at
签单地点和日期 place and date of issue
已装船提单 on board(shipped) B/L
备运提单 ? received for shipment B/L
清洁提单 ? clean B/L
不清洁提单 unclean B/L
记名提单 ? straight B/L
不记名提单 bearer B/L
指示提单 ? order B/L
运单 ? waybill (W/B)
不可流通 ? non-negotiate
装运期 time of shipment
交货期 time of delivery
分批装运 ? partial shipment
转运 transshipment
装运通知 shipping advice
全部损失 total loss
部分损失 partial loss
***同海损 general average
单独海损 particular average
中国保险条款 CIC平安险 ? free from particular average (FPA)
水渍险 ? with average or with particular
average (WA/WPA)
一切险 ? all risks (AR)
一般附加险 ? general additional risks
特殊附加险 ? specific additional risks
保险单 ? insurance policy
汇票 bill of exchange (draft)
付款人(受票人) drawee; payer
收款人(受款人) payee
付款期限 tenor
即期付款 ? at sigh pay
背书 ? endorsement
提示 ? presentation
承兑 ? acceptance
保证 ? guarantee or aval
拒付 ? dishonor
追索 ? recourse
商业汇票 ? commercial draft
银行汇票 ? banker's draft
光票 ? clean bill
跟单汇票 ? documentary bill
即期汇票 ? sight bill ;demand bill
远期汇票 ? time bill(usance bill)
本票 ? promissory note
出票人 maker
收款人 payee
商业本票 ? trader's note
银行本票 banker's note
即期本票 sight note
远期本票 time note
支票 cheque (check)
汇付 remittance
汇款人 ? remitter
汇出行 ? remitting bank
汇入行 ? receiving bank
电汇 telegraphic transfer (T/T)
信汇 mail transfer (M/T)
票汇 remittance by banker's demand
draft (D/D)
托收 collection
委托人 ? principal
托收行 ? remitting bank
代收行 ? collecting bank
提示行 ? presenting bank
光票托收 clean collection
跟单托收 documentary collection
付款交单托收 documents against payment (D/P)
即期付款交单 D/P at sight
远期付款交单 D/P after sight
承兑交单托收 documents against acceptance (D/A)
信用证 ? letter of credit (L/C)
不可撤销 irrevocable
开证申请人 ? applicant
开证行 ? opening bank ;issuing bank
受益人 ? beneficiary
通知行 ? advising bank; notifying bank
议付行 ? negotiating bank
付款行 ? paying bank
信用证金额 ? amount of credit
单价 unit price
信开本 ? to open by airmail
电开本 to open by cable
跟单信用证 documentary credit
光票信用证 clean credit
即期付款信用证 sight payment credit
远期信用证 usance credit
银行保函 ? banker's letter of guarantee L/G
检验证书 ? Inspection certificate
争议 ? dispute
索赔 ? claim
不可抗力 ? force majeure
协商 ? negotiation
调解 ? conciliation
仲裁 ? arbitration
诉讼 ? litigation
询盘 ? enquiry
发盘 ? offer
售货发盘 ? selling offer
购货发盘 ? buying offer
递盘 ? bid
还盘 ? counter offer
接受 ? acceptance
合同 ? contract
确认书 confirmation
协议 ? agreement