
阿狸梦之岛·我的云 对白

给你吃棉花糖You can have my cotton candy   只能咬一口哦!  Only one bite!    怎么会这样啊  How could it be?   你长得好像棉花糖哦  You really look like a cotton candy    我是小小云  I’m little Cloud    我有一个朋友也有一朵小小云  One of my friends used to have a little Cloud    你要是棉花糖该多好啊  I prefer you a cotton candy    什么?  What did you say?    没什么没什么  Nothing at all    不过你真的是一朵云吗?你这么小?  However, are you a cloud ? you are so tiny?    所以才叫小小云  That is why I’m called cloud    那为什么别的云彩都那么大呢  Why are the other clouds so big?    我才一岁嘛  Because I am only one year old    你看那朵云  Look at that cloud    他已经10岁了  He is ten years old    那朵呢  How about that one    应该有60多岁了吧  She should be sixty years old    哇  Wow    很高兴认识你  It is glad to see you    不过我该回家了  But I should go home    再见  Goodbye    为什么要跟着我  Why are you following me?    你不用回家吗  You don’t have to go home    我…回不去了  I…I can’t   为什么  Why  因为…我还不会飞  Because…I don’t know how to fly now    这样啊 那先去我家吧  I see…how about come to my home    恩  Sure    对了,我叫阿狸  By the way .I’m Ali    今天晚上是我最最爱吃的鸡肉卷、番茄汁和蘑菇汤  I’ll have chicken wrap form my dinner,with ketchup and mushroom soup and which are my favorite    怎么都吃光了  How dare you finish all of them?   拿来!这是我的!  This is mine!    好饱……好饱啊……  I’m so full…    好美的夜空啊  What a beautiful night    明天应该是个大晴天吧  It should be a sunny day tomorrow    阿狸,你知道为什么会天晴吗?  Ali ,do you know why the sky becomes    为什么?  Why    因为云彩都去旅行了。  Because all the clouds are travelling    哦,他们还会回来接你回家的吧。  I see .they will come to take you home   嗯……也许吧。  Eh…maybe they will    阿狸你知道为什么会下雨吗?  Ali. Do you know why there are rainy days?    为什么?  Why?    那是因为天上有一朵云在哭  Because there is a crying cloud in the sky    这样啊。  I see   我猜梅雨季节的那朵云,一定是非常非常伤心呢  I suppose she was very sad in the plum season   嗯,因为他没能和大家云旅行。  Yes she didn’t go to journey with others   云注定是要去远行的  Clouds are destined to travel    小小云,你也会飞回到天空去的。  Little cloud, you will be back to the sky soon    跟你的朋友们一起每天开开心心地去世界各地旅行。  To travel with your friends all over the world    嗯!  Yes!  晚安,小小云。  Good night, little cloud    晚安,阿狸。  Good night, Ali    啊!鸡肉卷!  Oh!Chicken wrap!    哇!你居然会飞了啊!  Wow!you can fly!    我就想着一定要把它拿回来,然后就会飞了  I just want to take it back,and then I can fly    吃才是激发最大潜能的动力  Eating is the only driving force to stimulate the maximum potential    我们再去吃棉花糖吧!  Let’s have more cotton candies!    好!  Great!    转眼间,很长时间过去了  In the blink of an eye, a long time passed    都怪我每次都吃太多  It’s my bad that I eat too much every time    我保证以后再也不吃那么多棉花糖了  I promise never eat that much cotton candies from now on    现在就开始减肥  I now began to lose weight    没关系,我们再使劲下  Never mind, we should try harder  我想回家  I want go home    小小云,你已经好几天没吃东西了  Little Cloud, you haven’t eaten for several days    你看,我拿来了你最爱吃的棉花糖  Look I bring your favorite cotton candy to you    我不饿,我会瘦到和以前一样的  I am not hungry. I will be skinny as before    嗯,一定会的  Sure you will    小小云  Little Cloud    云注定是要远行的  Your faith is to travel    和你的朋友们一起  With your friends    可是你就是我最好的朋友啊  But you are my best friend    之后,许多天又悄悄过去了。。。。。。  After many days, quickly in the past 。。。。。。    早安,阿狸  Morning, Ali    都怪这朵云  All is the cloud’s fault    害的我被子总也是晒不干  I can’t even dry my quilt  我的皮肤没有办法晒成漂亮的古铜色了  I can’t even dry my quilt    讨厌的云挡住了阳光  The hated cloud blocks the sunshine    我的花都谢了  My flowers are dead    一朵也卖不出去  No one would buy them    我讨厌多云  I hate cloudy    这天气总让我很忧伤  This weather always makes me sad    讨厌  How annoying    快走  Go away    快走开  Get off    住手!  Stop that!Please stop!    小小云,快跑  Little Cloud, run    阿狸  Ali    小小云,你已经长大了  Little Cloud, you’ve grown up  应该去寻找你的朋友们,应该去远行  You should go to find your friends and to travel with them    你走吧!回到天空去吧!  You should go!Back to the sky!    可我不想离开梦之城  But I don’t want to leave Dream Castle    不想离开家  I don’t want to leave home    不想离开你  And I don’t want to leave you    我想和阿狸……  I want to stay with Ali……    你快滚啊!  Go!    小小云,保重  Take care, Little Cloud    阿狸偷偷收藏了小小云的一滴眼泪  Ali secretly collected one drop of tear from Little Cloud   小心地装在瓶子里  Pot it in the bottle carefully    之后,小小云不在的日子  After that, in the days without Little Cloud    阿狸经常会坐在屋顶,和水滴说话  Ali always set on the roof top, talked to the tear drop    小小云,今天是晴天  Little Cloud, today is a fine day  天上一朵云彩都没有  There is no cloud in the sky    我知道你和朋友们旅行去了  I know you are travelling with your friends   不知道你在另外一片天空会看到什么样的世界呢?  What will you see in the other piece of the sky?    小小云,今天是雨天  Little Cloud, it’s rainy today    我的心情不好,总担心是你在哭  I am worried you are crying    男孩子嘛要坚强一点  Boys should be stronger    只有勇敢者才能拿到胜利的棉花糖  Only the brave ones can get the victory cotton candy    小小云,不管晴天雨天  Little Cloud, whatever sunny or rainy    我知道  I know    在头上很远很远的地方  Somewhere far away in the sky    有一朵  There is a cloud    我的云  Of mine
