有哪些描写夜晚环境安静的唯美的英文句子
1.
The
moon
watched
from
the
sky
behind
the
clouds
as
the
stars
blink
their
eyes
in
fatigue.
Everything
is
now
in
slumber,
not
a
single
sound
nor
a
single
movement
can
be
seen
or
heard.
(月亮从云后往下来,星星因倦意而眨眼着.所有的东西现在都进入了睡眠,没有任何声音或动作.)
2.
Like
a
dim
lamp,
the
moon
shone
from
above.
The
stars
twinkle
their
eyes
with
curiousity.
There's
not
a
single
sound,
even
a
cattabox
like
the
crickets
are
asleep.
Only
the
fireflys
are
still
awake,
carefully
weaving
a
picture
in
the
nightsky
with
their
gentle
strokes.
(月亮在天空好似一盏夜灯.闪烁的星星好奇的眨着眼.夜里一点声音都没有,那些话唠蟋蟀们也睡了.只有萤火虫还醒着,小心翼翼的在夜空里织着一个画.)
3.The
setting
sun
crushed
the
mountain,
the
reddish
sunset
rose,
piles
of
smiles,
exposed
the
town
suburb
tranquil
evening.
(夕阳压山,淡红色的晚霞涌现出来,堆着微笑,露出了镇郊恬静的黄昏。)
4.The
summer
came,
the
evening
fell,
and
the
concert
began.
sat
quietly
on
the
balcony,
ready
to
attend
a
lively
music
feast
on
summer
night.
You
see,
the
starry
night
sky
is
the
background
of
the
music
stage.
Close
your
eyes
and
feel
the
summer
breeze,
how
comfortable
it
is!
When
the
wind
comes,
as
if
there
is
a
warm
current
into
my
heart,
is
gentle
and
warm
and
warm
feeling.
(夏天到了,夜暮降临了,音乐会也随着开始。我静静地坐在阳台上,准备参加夏夜举行的一场热闹的音乐盛宴。你看,那群星争辉的夜空就是音乐舞台的背景。闭上眼睛,感受着夏天的微风,是多么舒服呀!当风迎面而来时,仿佛有一股暖流流进我的心里,是温柔的又有温热温热的感觉。)
5.The
night
came
quietly,
with
the
heat
and
light
and
coolness
and
silence
of
the
night.
(夜,静悄悄地来了,带炎热与光明与清凉与万籁俱寂的夜晚。)
描写夜晚安静的句子
1、大地已经沉睡了,除了微风轻轻地吹着,除了偶然一两声狗的吠叫,冷落的街道是寂静无声的。
2、夜晚的海边十分宁静,没有嘈杂的说话声,没有喧闹的汽车声,只有柔和的风声和美妙的涛声。
3、夜色象野猫悄悄从山梁上滑下来,把所有的声音一起装进峡谷,峡谷便打起鼾声。
漆黑的夜晚,除了闹钟的滴答声和树枝的摇摆声,周围一片寂静。
4、黑色笼罩了一切房屋,月色朦胧,树影婆娑,风儿轻轻,吹拂着群星那晶亮的脸庞。
5、夜已深了,明月当空,繁星点点,晚风吹拂着人的面颊,感到阵阵清凉。
6、夜晚的海边十分宁静,没有嘈杂的说话声,没有喧闹的汽车声,只有柔和的风声和美妙的涛声。——黄霆鋆
7、夏天的夜晚十分安静,只有青蛙的叫声,一切显得那么安谧。