悬赏10分 《雨人》的英文影评 120词左右 要专业一点的~~ 谢谢啦!
Dustin Hoffman, in a truly brilliant performance, as an autistic person, shut out of family life by his father. We must remember that Hoffman was classified as high functional. It would have been nearly impossible to make this film if that type of function were not there.
It is only with the death of his father that the normal son, Tom Cruise, learns of the brother he never knew.
Hoffman is totally believable as the victim of autism. We see and feel his very struggle.
Cruise seems to be another hot-shot performance who is deeply affected and toned down when he meets his brother. The hot-shot tones down as he learns more about life itself when he begins to interact with his handicapped brother. Cruise also gave a phenomenal performance and should have also been Oscar nominated. Didn't anyone see any resemblance in the fine performance that Hoffman gave with his 1967 break-through performance in "The Graduate?" In both films Hoffman displayed a rare vulnerability. In both films he struggled to come out of a life of being withdrawn.
We view the autistic as not the hopeless or seemingly retarded, which society has viewed them.
A film of the heart, richly brought out by the superior acting of Oscar winner Hoffman. A remarkable journey of a young man who wants to cope in a world that has shut him out.