这个网上随便一搜觉得耳熟的一般都是好看的. 我想推荐一个几乎中国人没看过的.
副总统(Veep), 知名度不高, 但艾美奖拿到手软, 好评如潮, 第七季已经完结, 被评论比权力的游戏结局还要黑暗. 讲的是一个女性政客如何不择手段的成为总统. 这个剧最出彩的地方在于它精妙绝伦的侮辱, 挑几句我最喜欢的:
You are the world's largest single cell organism.
Jolly green jizzface
I will destroy you, in ways so creative, that people in Kenedy Center is going to honor me for it.
You like sex and you like to travel? Then you can f*ck off.
The gate of hell has opened and you are my plus one.
I like how they act as if they like each other, f*ck Broadway, this is real acting.
The dirtest trick that I cannot stand is honesty!
You are Frankenstein's monster, if his monster was made entirely of dead dicks. (这句太TM狠了)