Yang Mi is one of the most famous actress in China. She was born in September 12, 1986 in Beijing and graduated from the Beijing Film Academy in 2005. She was nominated twice for the Golden Eagle Award, or the highest honor any actor/actress can get in China. She began to gain popularity by playing a minor role in the Legend of the Condor Hero in 2006 along with many famous actors and actresses like HuangXiaoMing and LiuYiFei. I looke forward to her new movie.
杨幂是中国最有名的一个女演员之一。她在1986年9月12日出生于北京,而且与2005 年毕业于北京电影学院。她两次被评金鹰奖提名,这也是中国演员能得到的最高荣誉。她在神雕侠侣中因扮演了一个小角色而走红,神雕侠侣中跟她合作的有许多名人,例如黄晓明和刘亦菲。我非常期待她的新作。