
中文: 路德维希·范·贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven,1770年12月17日-1827年3月26日),集古典主义大成、开浪漫主义先河的德国古典音乐作曲家,也是一位演奏家和指挥家。他一***创作了9首编号交响曲、35首钢琴奏鸣曲(其中后32首带有编号)、10部小提琴奏鸣曲、16首弦乐四重奏、1部歌剧、2部弥撒、1部清唱剧与3部康塔塔,另外还有大量室内乐、抒情曲(Lieder)与舞曲。这些作品对音乐发展有着深远影响。在华文世界,贝多芬被尊称为乐圣。 英文: Ludwig van Beethoven (English IPA: /?l?dv?g væn ?be?to?v?n/; German pronunciation: [?lu?dv?ç fan ?be?tho?fn] German pronunciation (help·info)

16 December 1770[1] – 26 March 1827) was a German poser and pianist. He was a crucial figure in the tritional period beeen the Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical music

and remains one of the most acclaimed and influential posers of all time. Born in Bonn

then in the Electorate of Cologne in western Germany

he moved to Vienna in his early enties and settled there

studying with Joseph Haydn and quickly gaining a reputation as a virtuoso pianist. Beethoven's hearing gradually deteriorated beginning in his enties

yet he continued to pose

and to conduct and perform

even after he was pletely deaf 如果你想知佢更多你去: 中文zh. *** /w/index?title=%E8%B2%9D%E5%A4%9A%E8%8A%AC&variant=zh- 英文en. *** /wiki/Ludwig_van_Beethoven 希望帮到你la...

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