

Void Ray(虚空舰)

They've broken through. 敌人已突破。

It shall be done. 将会完成。

All paths are seen through the prism of fate. 藉由命运棱镜诸途皆现。

Calibrating warp lenses. 曲光镜头校准。

Phase crystals charged. 相位水晶已充能。

We are at full power. 能量全开。

Invasion commencing. 入侵开始。

Conflict must not be seen through the lenses of desperation. 不能绝望之镜审视

Prismatic core online. 棱柱核心运转。

Fear is an illusion 惧怕实乃幻象。

This vessel shall avenge. 这艘战舰即将复仇。

Khas Arashad.

For Aiur! 为了Aiur。

Prismatic beams aligning. 棱镜光束调整。

The enemy has been purged. 敌人已被清除。

Infinity burns around us. 无限燃于四周。

By your will!如您所愿。(可能来自星球大战。)

Prismatic core failing; we require assistance! 棱柱核心破裂,我们需要支援。

Lock beams and incinerate. 聚集光柱,焚毁。