乔纳森·巴尼特凯(1946年,南卡罗来纳州萨姆特 ),简称为乔尼巴尼特,美国音乐家。在20世纪70年代,他作为开幕演出的一些行为,如Tom Waits的,Cheech和冲,和弗兰克·扎帕的行为。他还出现在1975年的影片纳什维尔,并在Cheech和冲的下一部电影。Barnett的作品之一,“一脚踏在蓝军”,是记录由约翰尼·亚当斯和获得从1997 WC手持蓝军奖年度奖一个蓝调歌曲。[ 1 ] [ 2 ]巴尼特也写了一个简短的故事题为“链爱“出现在这本书鸡汤国家之魂。他和作曲家李罗里Feek公司的这个故事后来被改编成歌曲“ 爱之链 “,这是在2000年的前5国家粘土沃克命中。这首歌是基于一个现实生活中的事件。巴尼特死于中风的56岁,2002年8月18日,在纳什维尔。
Jonathan Barnett Kaye (1946 in Sumter, South Carolina – August 18, 2002[1]), known professionally as Jonnie Barnett, was an American musician. In the 1970s, he performed as an opening act for several acts such as Tom Waits, Cheech and Chong, and Frank Zappa. He also made appearances in the 1975 film Nashville, and in Cheech and Chong's Next Movie.
One of Barnett's compositions, "One Foot in the Blues", was recorded by Johnny Adams and received a Blues Song of the Year award from 1997 W. C. Handy Blues Awards.[1][2] Barnett also wrote a short story entitled "The Chain of Love" which appeared in the book Chicken Soup for the Country Soul. He and songwriter Rory Lee Feek later adapted this story into the song "The Chain of Love", which was a Top 5 country hit for Clay Walker in 2000.[1] The song was based on a real-life event.[3]
Barnett died of a stroke at the age of 56, on August 18, 2002, in Nashville.