绝密飞行电影 英文版介绍

中文名: 绝密飞行

外文名: Stealth

其它译名: 机战未来 、智能杀机

出品时间: 2005年

出品公司: 哥伦比亚影片公司

制片地区: 美国

导演: 罗伯·科恩

编剧: W.D. Richter .....(written by)

制片人: Mike Medavoy .....producer

主演: 乔什·卢卡斯,杰西卡·贝尔

类型: 动作 / 惊悚 / 科幻 / 冒险

对白语言: 英语、韩语、俄语、西班牙语

片长: 121 min

上映时间: 2005年

色彩: 彩色

幅面: 35毫米胶片变形宽银幕


Stealth This is a produced in the United States, sci-fi movie. The story is about the U.S. Navy's intelligent robot, "Eddie" was strong in training, struck by lightning, causing it has ambitions of mankind, and without authorization will be penetrating bombs into the enemy's nuclear arsenal. The consequences can be imagined, with manufacture of disputes, the destruction of the world, the rule of human ambition, "Eddie" by virtue of their attempt to promote the construction of a perfect third world war from erupting. As a result, Yuhi teachers, teammates become the enemy, three elite pilots in the mountains and valleys have to start right, "Eddie" and sink it.