

apple:what?what is it?

orange:orange’s glad to say apple again,,huh,hahahaha

apple:yep yep,,that joke was funny than the first four hundred

times you said

orange:hahah,,hey apple,,you look fruity,,huh,,hahahaha

apple:yep,,that was hilarious

orange:hey hey apple


orange:can you do ten push ups in ten seconds?

apple:what kind of questions is that?i don’t even have arms

how can i do one push up?

orange:hey apple hey


orange:can you do this?lalalalalalallal

apple:no no

orange:try it

apple:nope,,stop it


apple:okey,,make ur point…stop it

orange:bubububu,,lulul…. apple:would you please be quiet?for quiet now?would u stop yelling for longer than 3 seconds,,i can’t hear myself think..ah ah orange:hey apple ..knife apple:oh oh oh,,, orange:ohoh,,i warn you..try to warn you..hey pear pear: oh,,god