这个人戴黑帽子的鸟嘴的人是谁 ?我知道是蒸汽朋克,但是是出自哪本书或者他的名字是什么?

鸟嘴医生,又名瘟疫医生,英文名The Plague Doctor

Plague doctor ---疫病医生,意大利语称为physici epidemeie。最早的PD中有许多没有行医执照没有多少治疗经验,很多都是靠招摇撞骗来敛财,他们的治疗对象多是疫病暴发期间的黑死病患者---- 当然受到嘉奖的杰出医生也有,比如Paracelsus和Giovanni de Ventura。戴着面具的疫病医生俗称 Beak Doctor(鸟嘴医生),穿上这样的行头就代表你是治疫病的“专家”。通常鸟嘴医生都身着油布制成的厚重外套,戴着黑色的皮手套,脸上戴着镶有护目镜的鸟嘴面具,口鼻部位塞着棉花、樟脑、薄荷、姜,净化吸入的空气

虽然黑死病爆发的时代在13世纪,但这种面具起源于16世纪,一名叫Charles de Lorme的法国医生发明。他将棉花等填充物塞入一个面具的口鼻位置,充当防毒面具,来医疗染上瘟疫的病人。



据记载威尼斯13 世纪就有面具狂欢节了,参加狂欢节的人们喜欢这种面具,并夸张了口鼻的突出部分,像鸟嘴



munity plague doctors", whereas "general practitioners" were separate doctors and both might be in the same European city or town at the same time.[1][3][4][5]?In France and the Netherlands plague doctors often lacked medical training and were referred to as "empirics". In one case a plague doctor had been a fruit-seller before his employment as a physician.[6]

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, some doctors wore a beak-like mask which was filled with aromatic items. The masks were designed to protect them from putrid air, which (according to the?miasmatic?theory of disease) was seen as the cause of infection.[7]?Being a plague doctor was unpleasant, dangerous and difficult. Their chances of survival in times of a plague epidemic were low.[8][9]
