

The Divine Ms. Susann ------- (2006)

The Dish on Dolls ------- (2006)

伟大的苏珊 Isn't She Great ------- (2000)

The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind ------- (1988)

Sixty Years of Seduction ------- (1981)

Say Goodbye, Maggie Cole ------- (1972)

The Revengers ------- (1972)

Heat of Anger ------- (1972)

试情记 The Honey Pot ------- (1967)

Think Twentieth ------- (1967)

娃娃谷 Valley of the Dolls ------- (1967)

Verifica incerta, La ------- (1965)

Hollywood My Home Town ------- (1965)

情归何处 Where Love Has Gone ------- (1964)

春残魂断/偷来的时间 Stolen Hours ------- (1963)

I Thank a Fool ------- (1962)

芳华虚度 Back Street ------- (1961)

爱达夫人 Ada ------- (1961)

The Marriage-Go-Round ------- (1961)

天涯一妇人 Woman Obsessed ------- (1959)

Thunder in the Sun ------- (1959)

我要活下去 I Want to Live! ------- (1958)

Top Secret Affair ------- (1957)

成吉思汗 The Conqueror ------- (1956)

无情荒地有情天 Untamed ------- (1955)

江湖客 Soldier of Fortune ------- (1955)

伤心泪尽话当年 I'll Cry Tomorrow ------- (1955)

Garden of Evil ------- (1954)

圣徒妖姬/角斗士与德米特里乌斯 Demetrius and the Gladiators ------- (1954)

White Witch Doctor ------- (1953)

The President's Lady ------- (1953)

情泪心声 With a Song in My Heart ------- (1952)

乞力马扎罗的雪/雪山盟 The Snows of Kilimanjaro ------- (1952)

The Lusty Men ------- (1952)

Rawhide ------- (1951)

大卫王与贵妃 David and Bathsheba ------- (1951)

陌生人之屋 House of Strangers ------- (1949)

Tulsa ------- (1949)

一厢情愿 My Foolish Heart ------- (1949)

血战山河 Tap Roots ------- (1948)

The Saxon Charm ------- (1948)

大骗子 They Won't Believe Me ------- (1947)

毁灭 Smash-Up: The Story of a Woman ------- (1947)

香笺艳异 The Lost Moment ------- (1947)

夜半血案 Deadline at Dawn ------- (1946)

Canyon Passage ------- (1946)

海蜂/海蜂工程队 The Fighting Seabees ------- (1944)

星钉旗万岁 Star Spangled Rhythm ------- (1942)

野风 Reap the Wild Wind ------- (1942)

I Married a Witch ------- (1942)

火林虎将 The Forest Rangers ------- (1942)

亚当有四子 Adam Had Four Sons ------- (1941)

火爆三兄弟 Beau Geste ------- (1939)

The Sisters ------- (1938)

化身大盗 The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse ------- (1938)

好莱坞旅馆 Hollywood Hotel ------- (1937)