Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦即快乐。All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。Where there is life, there is hope.有生命必有希望。I feel strongly that I can make it.我坚信我一定能成功。Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。The shortest answer is doing.最简短的回答就是行动。Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。(凡事比别人多一点点!多一点努力,多一点自律,多一点实践,多一点疯狂。多一点点就能创造奇迹!) DEFINITION OF CRAZINESS "Crazy" stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. It stands for the single-minded pursuit of dreams. It stands for the total devotion to your work. It stands for the passion of mitment to reach the goal. Once you have this craziness, you can achieve anything you want. Let alone learning English!疯狂的定义"疯狂"代表着人类超越自我的精神,代表着对理想的执着追求,代表着对事业忘我的全情投入,代表着不达目的绝不罢休的 *** 。人一旦有了这种疯狂,做任何事都可以成功,何况攻克英语! ALWAYS HAVE A DREAM Fet about the days when it's been cloudy, But don't fet your hours in the sun. Fet about the times you've been defeated, But don't fet the victories you've won. Fet about the misfortunes you've encountered, But don't fet the times your luck has turned. Fet about the days when you've been lonely, But don't fet the friendly *** iles you've seen. Fet about the plans that didn't seem to work out right, But don't fet to always have a dream.永不放弃梦想忘掉你的失意日子,但不要忘记黄金的时光。忘掉你的一次次失败,但不要忘记你夺取的胜利。忘掉你遭遇的不幸,但不要忘记你的时来运转。忘掉你的孤独日子,但不要忘记你得到的友善的微笑。忘掉你没有得以顺利实施的计划,但不要放弃你的梦想。 李阳的励志名言打击我吧!伤害我吧!折磨我吧!侮辱我吧!冤枉我吧!迫害我吧!Attack me! Hurt me! Torture me! Humiliate me! Mistreat me! Persecute me!让暴风雨都来吧!让我付出代价!让我心态归零!你使我兴奋!你使我斗志昂扬!你使我咬牙切齿!Let storms rage against me! Let me pay the price! Let me hit rock bottom! You excite me! You fill me with the spirit to fight! You make me grind my teeth!你使我百折不挠!你使我脱胎换骨!你使我变得更坚强!你使我成为真正的人!你是我最幸福的回忆!你是我终生感激的恩人!我不是人,我要重塑人的尊严!You make me determined! You make my pletely reshape myself! You make me stronger! You make me a real man! You are my most joyful memory! I owe you all my life! I'm not human. I want to rebuild my dignity and honor. I want to reshape my life. 特别赠言:让我们牺牲一些娱乐的时间、牺牲一些无聊的时间、牺牲一些闲聊的时间、牺牲一些为自己的穿着打扮苦恼的时间、牺牲一些思考如何吃的时间、牺牲一些打麻将的时间!让我们多一些反思自我、改造自我的时间!人一生总要成就一些事情!说一口流利的英语就是一件非常值得做的事,而且是一定可以做好的事!从中找到自己的快乐吧!找到自己的信心吧!找到自己的价值吧!找到奋斗的 *** 吧!找到克服重重困难的幸福吧!我只要有三顿饭吃,我就感到无比幸福和满足,我将不会再去考虑其它的东西!我只有一个心思:一定要讲一口流利的英语!我就不信我做不到!在这种状态下,你肯定成功!你肯定会拥有一切你需要的东西,你想拒绝都没有办法!你想庸俗都没有选择!成功、名誉、财富!一切都随之而来!而那些天天在想他们自己未来需求的人,最终也只能白日做梦,越做越远!让我们将我们的欲望集中在一个地方,那就是早日攻克英语!一旦成功,你的人生历史一定会重写! 一 Salutation to the Dawn 向黎明致敬——把握今天! Look to this day! 把握好今天! For it is life, the very life of life. 因为它就是生命,生命中的生命。 In its brief course, 在它短短的进程里, Lie all the verities and realities of your existence: 体现了你生存的真谛与现实: The bliss of growth, 生长的福佑, The glory of action, 行动的荣耀, The splendor of bearty, 美貌的光彩, For yesterday is but a dream, 因为昨天不过是一场梦, And tomorrow is only a vision, 而明天只是一个幻影, But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, 但是活好今天,却能使每一个昨天都成为快乐的梦, And every tomorrow a vision of hope. 每一个明天都成为希望的幻影。 Look well,therefore, to this day! 所以,好好把握今天把! Such is the salutation to the dawn. 这就是你对黎明的敬礼! This poem reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: 这首诗使我想起了我最喜欢的一句名言: Cherish your yesterdays;dream your tomorrow;but live well your todays! 珍惜昨天,憧憬明天,活好今天! We are the future of our families,and we shouldn't let our parents 我们是家庭的希望,我们不能让我们的父母失望! down! A proverb says“Time is money.” 有句谚语说“时间就是金钱” Look well,therefore, to this day! 所以,好好把握今天把! Let's value our time! 让我们珍惜时间! That's all!Thank you! 我的演讲完毕!谢谢大家! 二 Opportunity 机会 With doubt and di *** ay you are *** itten, 怀疑和沮丧使你备受煎熬, You think there's no chance for you,son? 孩子,你认为你没有机会吗? Why,the best books haven't been written. 为什么要这么想呢?最好的书还没有写成, The best race hasn't been run, 最棒的赛跑还没举行, The best record hasn't been set up, 最佳的记录还没出现, The best song hasn't been sung, 最动听的歌曲还没咏唱, The best tune hasn't been played yet; 最美妙的曲调还未凑出, Cheer up,for the world is young! 别灰心,因为这个世界还年轻! No chance?Why the world is just eager 没有机会了吗?这个世界正渴望 For things that you ought to create; 你应该创造的一切; Its store of true wealth is still meager, 它所储存的真正财富还很贫瘠; Its needs are incessant and great; 它的需要庞大而不绝; It yearns for more power and beauty, 它渴求多些力量和美丽, More laughter and love and romance, 多些欢笑、情爱和浪漫, More loyalty,labor and duty, 多些忠诚、劳动和职责。 No chance—why there's nothing but chance! 没机会——哎呀,除机会外别无所有! For the best verse hasn't been rhymed yet, 因为最优美的诗篇还没写成, The best house hasn't been planned, 最漂亮的房屋还未设计, The highest peak hasn't been climbed yet, 最高耸的山峰还没攀登, The mightiest rivers aren't spanned; 最雄伟的江河还没架桥。 Don't worry and fret,faint-hearted, 别担忧,别发愁,别胆怯, The chances have just begun, 各种机会刚开端, For the best jobs haven't been started, 因为那些最好的职业还没开创, The best work hasn't been done. 最好的工作还没完成! No chance—why there's nothing but chance! 没机会——哎呀,除机会外别无所有! That's all!Thank you! 我的演讲完毕!谢谢大家! 1,第一步是字数估计,因为语速可以调整所以字数是一个范围值。字数是根据要求的演讲时间×语速而来的。比如5分钟演讲每分钟200字,那么就是1000字的样子。 2,第二步是思考主旨和确定题目,演讲稿常常是个根据主旨的自命题作文。比如主题是青春梦想,那么就以这个为出发点去构思。青春和梦想有什么联系。青春是梦想绽放的能量,梦想是青春散发的光芒...... 3,第三步就是分段讲述了,第一段是客套话阶段。这里可以表达对听众的感谢,表达自己的心情。然后说自己演讲的题目和主题。 4,第二段开始渲染自己的主题,也就是用比较铺陈的手法开始写主题。比如排比骈文等比较有气势一点的话语,在配上口号。演讲的时候也同样的用你的语气先声夺人。 As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light es into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. Yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day! And most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! In your mind’s eye, you can see clearly the things you want to have, the paces you intend to go, the relationships you desire to develop, and the positions you aspire to reach. You can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you dream. You can see the *** iles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes. You can feel your face is getting red, your heart is beating fast, and your blood is rushing all over your body, to every single corner of your being! You know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and mitted! And you are confident, you are passionate, you are mitted! You will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions. You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. You will never succumb to challenges of hardships. You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. After all,you are the best, and you deserve the best! As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. You must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed! Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! retert4356435