where did you sleep last night这首歌怎么样
《Where did you sleep last night》,由Huddie Ledbetter谱曲并作词,1993年涅槃乐队“纽约不插电”最后一曲。歌曲悲切苍凉,如同来自的冥界的呼唤及倾诉。演唱会结束不久后,科特·科本自杀。
《Where did you sleep last night 》是一首历史久远的美国民间歌曲,最早可以追溯到1870年的《in the pines》这首歌,当时只有简单的四句歌词唱到Black girl,black girl,don’t lie to me,所以这首歌也称作《black girl》。之后,The Longest Train又被加入到《in the pines》里(大概那个时候火车用来运树木及煤炭,它进入in the pines也是理所当然的事),后来,decapitation这个词又与train联系起来(大概用火车砍头不费吹灰之力缘故)。加了后述的两个元素,这首《Where did you sleep last night 》被理解起来,含义就丰富多啦。分三个层面多重意思来理解,一,走进松林以及被斩首的人,明喻成一个男人或一个女人或一个少年或一个丈夫或一个妻子或一对农民等;二,松林用来暗喻性、欲望、死亡、独孤等;三、而火车也是用来暗喻杀死爱人、剥夺爱情、拆散家庭的恐怖工具。因此,就有了多种版本解读,加上后来艺人的加工,各种各样的故事都有了,体现在包括诗、歌、小说等文学创作以及电影、话剧等各种艺术形式上。
这里介绍一种对Nirvana的《Where did you sleep last night 》的解读版本。歌者便是那位被火车碾过的身首异处的丈夫,他正在倾诉自己的悲催爱情故事,从泣血的歌声中可以听出即便身首异处,即便已被埋在阴冷的太阳永远无法照亮的松林中 (in the pines where the sun don’t ever shine ),这位痴情的丈夫依然用悲戚的歌声在问:“My girl,my girl,don’t lie to me,Tell me where did you sleep last night。”他全然不顾究竟是谁害死了他,只是用近乎嘶哑而绝望的嗓音向她讲述着自己在阴暗的松林深处整夜颤栗的处境(In the pines!in the pines!Where the sun don’t ever shine. I would shiver the whole night through)……
My girl,my girl,don't lie to me.我的女孩,我的女孩,不要对我说谎
Tell me where did U sleep last night.告诉我昨夜你在何处安眠
In the pines!in the pines !在松树林中,在松树林中
Where the sun don't ever shine.那里太阳永远无法照亮
I would shiver the whole night through.我时常整夜整夜的颤抖
My girl,my girl,where will U go?我的女孩,你要去哪里?
I'm going where the cold wind blows.我将去的地方寒风凛冽
In the pines!in the pines!在松树林中,在松树林中
Where the sun don't ever shine.那里太阳永远无法照亮。
I would shiver the whole night through.我时常整夜整夜的颤抖。
Her husband,was a hard working man.她的丈夫是一个苦工。
Just about a mile from here.在离这里大约一里的地方。
His head was found in a driving wheel.他的头颅被发现在飞驰的轮下。
But his body never was found.但他的躯体至今仍未找到
My girl,my girl,don't lie to me.我的女孩,不要对我说谎
Tell me where did U sleep last night.告诉我昨夜你在何处安眠
In the pines!in the pines!在松树林中,在松树林中
Where the sun don't ever shine.那里太阳永远无法照亮。
I would shiver the whole night through.我时常整夜整夜的颤抖。
My girl,my girl,where will U go?我的女孩,你要去哪里
I'm going where the cold wind blows.我将去的地方寒风凛冽
In the pines!in the pines!在松树林中
Where the sun don't ever shine.那里太阳永远无法照到。
I would shiver the whole night through.我时常整夜整夜的颤抖。
My girl,my girl,where will U go?我的女孩,你要去哪里?
Tell me where did U sleep last night.告诉我昨夜你在何处安眠
In the pines!in the pines !在松树林中
Where the sun don't ever shine.在那里太阳永远无法照到。
I would shiver the whole night through.我时常整夜整夜的颤抖。
My girl,my girl,where will U go?我的女孩,你要去哪里?
I'm going where the cold wind blows.我将去的地方寒风凛冽
In the pines~!in the pines!在松树林中,在松树林中
Where the sun don't ever shine.那里太阳永远无法照到
I would shiver the whole night through.我时常整夜整夜的颤抖