

梅岑格施泰因 Metzengerstein

德洛梅勒特公爵 The Duc De L'Omelette

耶路撒冷的故事 A Tale of Jerusalem

失去呼吸 Loss of Breath

甭甭 Bon-Bon

四不象 Four Beasts in One - The Homo-Cameleopard

瓶中手稿 MS. Found in a Bottle

幽会 The Assignation

捧为名流 Lionizing

死荫——寓言一则 Shadow - A Parable

静——寓言一则 Silence - A Fable?

贝蕾妮丝 Berenice

莫雷娜 Morella?

瘟疫王 King Pest

故弄玄虚 Mystification

丽姬娅 Ligeia

如何写布莱克伍德式文章 How to Write a Blackwood Article?

绝境 A Predicament

钟楼魔影 The Devil in the Belfry

被用光的人 The Man That Was Used Up

厄舍府的倒塌 The Fall of the House of Usher

威廉·威尔逊 William Wilson

埃洛斯与沙米翁的对话 The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion

为什么那小个子法国佬的手悬在吊腕带里 Why the Little Frenchman Wears His Hand in a Sling

生意人 The Business Man

人群中的人 The Man of the Crowd

莫格街谋杀案 The Murders in the Rue Morgue

莫斯肯漩涡沉浮记 A Descent into the Maelström?

莫诺斯与尤拉的对话 The Colloquy of Monos and Una

千万别和魔鬼赌你的脑袋 Never Bet the Devil Your Head

埃莱奥诺拉 Eleonora

一星期中的三个星期天 Three Sundays in a Week?

椭圆形画像 The Oval Portrait