



“农村的经济发展、公***卫生和医疗保险制度”,《市场与人口分析》2005年 02期

“中国进出口弹性实证分析: 1999-2003年”,《经济与管理研究》,2006年第01期


“新型合作医疗引入商业保险模式效果评价研究”,《中国医院管理》,2007年 01期


“加入WTO 对中国经济结构和改革的影响”,《国际贸易问题》,2008年第08期

“How Successful Has Chinese Enterprise Reform Been” (with Woo,Fan,and Jin),Journal of Comparative Economics,Vol.18,410-437,1994.

“Decentralized Socialism and Macroeconomic Stability: Lessons from China in the 1980’s” (with Fan and Woo),in M. Guitian and R. Mundell (ed.),Inflation and Growth in China,Washington D.C,IMF,1996.

“Agricultural Policy Adjustment in the Process of Trade Liberalization”,in Peter Drysdale and Song Ligang (ed.),China and WTO: Strategic Issues and Quantitative Assessment,Australia-Japan Research Center and Rouledge,London,1998.

“The WTO and China’s Objectives as a World Trading Power”,in James A.. Dorn (ed.),China in the New Millennium: Market Reforms and Social Development,Cato Institute,1998.

“The Impacts of The Asian Economic Crisis on China''s Foreign Trade” (with Kaifeng Zhong),CCER Working Paper No.E1999010 & No.E1999010.1,June,1999.

“Discrepancies in International Data: An Application to China-Hong Kong Entrepot Trade” (with Feenstra,Woo,and Yao),American Economic Review,May 1999.

“The U.S.-China Bilateral Trade Balance: It’s Size and Determinants”,(with Feenstra,Woo and Yao),NBER Working Paper 6598,June 1999.

“Global Impacts of China’s Accession to the WTO”(with Zhao and Luo),China’s Integration with the World Economy: Repercussions of China’s Accession to the WTO,Edited by Kyung Tae Lee et al,KIEP,Korea,2002.

“China’s FTA Policy and Practice” (with Li),Northeast Asian Economic Integration: Prospects for a Northeast Asian FTA,Edited by Yangseon Kim et al,KIEP,Korea 2003.

“The Short-Term Impact of SARS on the Chinese Economy”,(with Zhao,Wang,and Hou),Asia Economic Papers,Vol. 3,Issue 1 - Winter 2004.

“A Bilateral or Trilateral FTA?” (with Zhang),Strengthening Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia,Edited by Yoon Hyung Kim et al,KIEP,Korea,2004.