上帝也疯狂 的英文观后感 1000字

it is a movie with not only entertaining but also education. The movie comes into our eyes with a Bushmen and a narrator (Paddy O'Byrne) tells us what kind of people they are: friendly and without any knowledge about the world not far from their Kalahari desert. When they see a plane they think it is a strange bird or even a god. One day a pilot throws a glass bottle out of his airplane and the thing is found by the Bushmen. They have never seen anything that smooth and hard as this object and they find it very useful. They think it is a gift from the gods. The problem is that the gods have given only one object and for the first time they have to share something that is very hard to share. For the first time they feel emotions such as anger and jealousy. It is decided that the thing is an Evil Thing and must be thrown off the earth and Xixo one to do that. In the meanwhile we have met Andrew in the bushes playing cards.We don’t know how all these stories come together but that is not a bad thing. It only to show us the differences between people,