
崔海宁, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师;


1982年毕业于吉林大学(南岭校区)物理专业,获得学士学位,并留母校任助教。此后分别在中国科学院长春光学机密机械与物理研究所获理学硕士学位;在葡萄牙Minho 大学物理系获科学博士学位。

1989年到中科院长春应用化学研究所工作, 历任实习研究员,助理研究员,副研究员。2005年回到吉林大学物理学院工作任教授。自从1994年开始,先后在英国 Northumbria 大学电子与物理工程系工作一年半,任researcher;在韩国Hanyang大学化学系与韩国国家纳米科学和工程实验室工作一年(1998),担任研究教授(research professor);在芬兰Savcor 集团公司下属Savcor薄膜有限公司研发部工作一年(2004),任researcher;在西班牙Universitat Politècnica de València大学应用物理系任研究员;在葡萄牙Minho 大学物理研究中心和葡萄牙VacMinho 公司做研究,任博士和博士后研究员(2000-2005)。在国外发表研究文章60余篇。


主要集中在过渡金属复合氧化物薄膜(WO3、 V2O5、 ITO、 ZrO2、SnO2、 TiO2、ZnO、 Al2O3、a-Si、SiOx and so on)和各种有机{ 金属酞菁,天然血卟啉( H P )、原卟啉( P P )及其衍生物等分子}}、无机/高分子功能薄膜材料及其纳米结构材料、材料的光谱学及激光光谱。从事电致变色器件、太阳能电池、高分子电致发光薄膜材料及器件等研究。 研究功能薄膜材料如抗磨、抗反射、自洁净、无指纹、耐热、耐化学试剂、外观装饰及其在手机中的应用。通过Sputtering、PECVD systems、Chemical bath method and PVD systems等先进薄膜制备技术生长各种功能光电子薄膜材料及器件, 并通过AFM、XRD、SEM、TEM、UV-vis spectroscopes、IR、Raman、nano-indenter、fluorence spectra等手段和工具探索光电子薄膜材料的物理与化学特性、发光性质以及低维纳米结构材料的各种特性。





WORK EXPERIENCES- Previous and current scientific and/or professional activities

Portugal (Sept. 2000— June 2005): Physics Department, Universidade do Minho. Working in Prof. Vasco Teixeira’s research group, Campus de Gualtar, Homepage: www.fisica.uminho.pt/I_conv.html.

Finland (April 2004— March 2005 ): Corporate R&D, Savcor Coatings Oy (company), as a Researcher, Working with Ms. Rosa Aimo Senior Manager, Corporate R&D Finland. Homepage:

South Korea (Sept. 1998-Sept.1999, June 2000): Department of Chemistry, Hanyang University, as a Research Professor, Working in National Research Laboratory for Nano Science and Nano Engineering (Leader: Prof. H. W. Lee), homepage: www.kofst.or.kr:90/output/indexall.htm and www.kofst.or.kr:90/output/981122.htm


England (Feb. 1994—April 1995): EEE& Physics Department, University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, as a Visiting Scholar and researcher in Prof. R. Hill’s research group.

P. R. China:

Jilin University (Aug.1982-Aug.1989; Dec.2006-Present).

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry under Chinese Academy of Sciences (Aug.1989-Dec.2000).

Domain of specialization -Area of interesting:

My general research interests are the thin film materials produced by chemical and physical methods, especial emphasis on nano-structured materials, photo-electronic materials and their applications for devices. It includes physical properties of inorganic, organic and polymer materials.

I have strong experiences (1) in physical chemistry, electrochemistry, macromolecule chemistry, gel, polymer, organic and inorganic semiconductor. (2) in organic optical-electronic devices such as OLED, Solar photovoltaic cell and electrochromic devices. (3) Hand-on experience in prototype design, modeling and building. (4) in structure property,Laser spectra, characterization and testing for organic and inorganic materials in optoelectronic fields. (5) in thin film technologies, such as PVD, PECVD, and sputtering.



1.1 Hai-Ning Cui, Vasco Teixeira, Jun Zhang,Haiwon Lee, Size controlled nano meter phase structure in thin films of blend polythiophene derivatives, Thin Solid Films, 515 (2006) 301-306.

1.2 Hai-Ning Cui, Manuel F. Costa, V. Teixeira, and Jun Zhang, Solution-grown method of CdS film by ultrasonical colloid chemistry deposition technique, International Journal of Photoenergy,Volume 2006 (2006), Article ID 24916, 4 pages, doi:10.1155/IJP/2006/24916.

1.3 H. N. Cui, V. Teixeira, L. J. Meng, and E. Fortunato,Micro electronic and macro optical parameters of the ITO films prepared by DC sputtering for electrochromic applications, Proc. SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering) 6034, 603407 (2006)(doi:10.1117/12.668090 ).

1.4 Li-Jian Meng, Rui A. Silva, Hai-Ning Cui, Vasco Teixeira, M.P. dos Santos and Zheng Xu, Optical and structural properties of vanadium pentoxide films prepared by d.c. reactive magnetron sputtering, Thin Solid Films, 515(2006)195-200.

1.5 Hai Ning Cui, V. Teixeira, L. J. Meng and H. J. Zhang, “Studies on microstructure bilayer film of ultrasonic Dipped cadmium sulfide and d.c. sputtered indium tin oxide”, Thin Solid Films, 447/448(2004)663-668. (doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2003.09.050)。

1.6 Hai-Ning Cui, Shu Jia, L J Meng, V. Teixeira, X-ray Analysis of Multi-film for Electrochromic Device Application, Mikrochimica Acta, Vol. 145 (2004)19-23. (DOI 10.1007/s00604-003-0121-2).

1.7 Hai Ning Cui, V. Teixeira, A. Monteiro, E. Fortunato, R. Martins, E. Bertran Physical Properties of Sputtered ITO and WO3 Thin Films, Materials Science Forum Vols. 455-456 (2004) pp. 7-11, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, (ID:,11:13:43).

1.8 H. N. Cui , M. F. Costa, V. Teixeira, I. Porqueras, E. Bertran, Electrochromic coatings for smart windows, Surface Science, Vol. 532(2003) 1127-1131. ( doi:10.1016/S0039-6028(03)00457-6).

1.9 Hai Ning Cui, V. Teixeira, A. Monteiro, “Microstructure study of indium tin oxide thin films by optical methods”, Vacuum, 67(2002) 589-594.( PII: S 0 0 4 2 - 2 0 7 X ( 0 2 ) 0 0 2 3 6 – 1).

1.10 V. Teixeira, Hai Ning Cui, L. J. Meng, E. Fortunato, “Amorphous ITO thin films prepared by DC sputtering for electrochromic applications”, Thin Solid Films, 420-421 (2002) 70-75. (PII: S0040-6090(02)00656-9).

1.11 L.H.Lu, H. N. Cui, W. Li, S. Q. Xi, “Selective Crystallization of BaF2 under a Compressed Langmiur Monolayer of Behenic Acid”, Chem. Mater, 13(2001)325-328. (dx.doi.org/10.1021/cm000365i).

1.12 H. N. Cui, H. Lee, “Photoluminescence of Aggregated C-60 in Nano-size at Room Temperature”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 371(2001) 333-336.

1.13 H. N. Cui and H. Lee, “Photoluminescence Study of Langmuir-Blogette Films of Blend Poly 3-(2-(5-Chlorebenzotriazole)ethyl) thiophene”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Vol. 349 (2000)475-478.

1.14 H. N. Cui and H. Lee, “Energy Transfer in Phase-Separated Luminescent Polymer Films”, Synthetic. Metals, 117(1-3), (2001)255-256. (PII: S0 3 7 9 - 6 7 79 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 3 7 8 - 7).