TwoCapulet's orchard.
第二场 同前。凯普莱特家的花园
[Enter JULIET]
Bring in cloudy night
immediately,spread thy close curtain,love-performing
night,That runaway's eyes may
winkand Romeo.Leap to these arms,untalked of and unseen.Come,civilnight,Hoodmy unmanned blood,batingin my cheeks,With thy black mantle;till strange love,grown bold,Think true love acted simple
modesty.Come,night;come,Romeo;come,thou day in night;For thou wilt lie upon the
wings of night.Whiter than new snow on a raven'sback.Come,gentle night,come,loving,black-brow'dnight,Give me my Romeo;and,when he shall die,Take him and cut him out in
little stars,And he will make the face
of heaven so fine,that all the world will be in love with night.And pay no
worship to the garishsun.O,I have bought the mansionof a
love,But not possessed it,and,though I am sold,Not yet enjoyed:so tediousis this day .O,here comes my nurse,And she brings news;and every tongue that speaks
But Romeo's name speaks heavenly eloquence.
[Enter Nurse,with
Now,nurse,what news?What hast thou there?the cords That Romeo bid thee
朱丽叶 让阴沉的暮夜赶快降临。展开你密密的帷幕吧,成全恋爱的黑夜!遮住夜行人的眼睛,让罗密欧悄悄地投入我的怀里,不被人家看见也不被人家谈论!来吧,黑夜!来吧,罗密欧!来吧,你黑夜中的白昼!因为你将要睡在黑夜的翼上,比乌鸦背上的新雪还要皎白。来吧,柔和的黑夜!来吧,可爱的黑颜的夜,把我的罗密欧给我!等他死了以后,你再把他带去,分散成无数的星星,把天空装饰得如此美丽,使全世界都恋爱着黑夜,不再崇拜眩目的太阳。啊!我已经买下了一所恋爱的华厦,可是它还不曾属我所有;虽然我已经把自己出卖,可是还没有被买主领去。这日子长得真叫人厌烦啊!我的奶妈来了。她带着消息来了。谁的舌头上只要说出了罗密欧的名字,他就在吐露着天上的仙音。奶妈,什么消息?你带着些什么来了?那就是罗密欧叫你去拿的绳子吗?
Ay,ay,the cords.
乳媪 是的,是的,这绳子。(将绳掷下。)
[Throws them down]
Ay me!what news?why dost thou wring thy hands?
朱丽叶 嗳哟!什么事?你为什么扭着你的手?
NurseAh,well-a-day!he's dead,he's dead,he's dead!We are undone,lady,we are undone!Alack the day!he's gone,he's killed,he' dead!
乳媪 唉!唉!唉!他死了,他死了,他死了!我们完了,小姐,我们完了!唉!他去了,他给人杀了,他死了!
Can heaven be so envious?
朱丽叶 天道竟会这样狠毒吗?
Romeo can,Though heaven cannot:O Romeo,Romeo!Who ever would have thought
乳媪 不是天道狠毒,罗密欧才下得了这样狠毒的手。啊!罗密欧,罗密欧!谁想得到会有这样的事情?罗密欧!
What devil art thou,that dost torment me thus?Hath Romeo slain himself?say thou but 'I,' And that bare vowel'I'
shall poison more.Than the death-darting eye of cockatrice:' If he be slain,say'I';or if not,no:Brief sounds determine of my
wealor woe.
朱丽叶 你是个什么鬼,这样煎熬着我?罗密欧把他自己杀死了吗?你只要回答我一个 “是”字,这一个“是”字就比毒龙眼里射放的死光更会致人死命。要是他死了,你就说“是”;要是他没有死,你就说“不”;这两个简单的字就可以决定我的终身祸福。
I saw the wound,I saw it with mine eyes,——God save the mark!——here on his manly breast:Pale,pale as ashes,all bedaubed in blood,All in gore-blood;I swooned at the sight.
乳媪 我看见他的伤口,我亲眼看见他的伤口,慈悲的上帝!就在他的宽阔的胸上。一个可怜的尸体,一个可怜的流血的尸体,像灰一样苍白,满身都是血,满身都是一块块的血;我一瞧见就晕过去了。
O,break,my heart!poor bankrupt,break at once!To prison,eyes,ne'erlook on liberty!Vile earth,to earth resign;end motion here;And thou and Romeo press one
heavy bier!
朱丽叶 啊,我的心要碎了!——可怜的破产者,你已经丧失了一切,还是赶快碎裂了吧!失去了光明的眼睛,你从此不能再见天日了!你这俗恶的泥土之躯,赶快停止呼吸,复归于泥土,去和罗密欧同眠在一个圹穴里吧!
O Tybalt,Tybalt,the best friend I had!O courteous Tybalt!honest gentleman!That everI should live to see
thee dead!
乳媪 啊!提伯尔特,提伯尔特!我的顶好的朋友!啊,温文的提伯尔特,正直的绅士!想不到我活到今天,却会看见你死去!
What storm is this that
blows so contrary?Is Romeo slaughtered,and is Tybalt dead?My dear-loved cousin,and my dearer lord?Then,dreadful trumpet,sound the general doom!For who is living,if those two are gone?
朱丽叶 这是一阵什么风暴,一会儿又倒转方向!罗密欧给人杀了,提伯尔特又死了吗?一个是我的最亲爱的表哥,一个是我的更亲爱的夫君?那么,可怕的号角,宣布世界末日的来临吧!要是这样两个人都可以死去,谁还应该活在这世上?
Tybalt is gone,and Romeo banished;Romeo that kill'd him,he is banished.
乳媪 提伯尔特死了,罗密欧放逐了;罗密欧杀了提伯尔特,他现在被放逐了。
O God!did Romeo's hand shed
Tybalt's blood?
朱丽叶 上帝啊!提伯尔特是死在罗密欧手里的吗?
It did,it did;alas the day,it did!
乳媪 是的,是的;唉!是的。
O serpent heart,hid with a flowering face!Beautiful tyrant!fiend angelical!Dove-feather'd raven!wolvish-raveninglamb!Despised substance of divinest
show!Just opposite to what thou
justly seem'st,A damned saint,an honourable villain!O that deceit should dwell.In
such a gorgeous palace!
朱丽叶 啊,花一样的面庞里藏着蛇一样的心!那一条恶龙曾经栖息在这样清雅的洞府里?美丽的暴君!天使般的魔鬼!披着白鸽羽毛的乌鸦!豺狼一样残忍的羔羊!圣洁的外表包覆着丑恶的实质!你的内心刚巧和你的形状相反,一个万恶的圣人,一个庄严的奸徒!啊!谁想得到这样一座富丽的宫殿里,会容纳着欺人的虚伪!
There's no trust,No faith,no honesty in men;all perjured,All forsworn,all naught,all dissemblers.Thase griefs,these woes,these sorrows make me old.Shame come to Romeo!
乳媪 男人都靠不住,没有良心,没有真心的;谁都是三心二意,反复无常,奸恶多端,尽是些骗子。这些悲伤烦恼,已经使我老起来了。愿耻辱降临到罗密欧的头上!
Blisteredbe thy tongue for
such a wish!he was not born to shame:Upon his brow shame is
ashamed to sit;For 'tis a throne where
honour may be crowned Sole monarch of the universal earth.O,what a beast was I to chideat
朱丽叶 你说出这样的愿望,你的舌头上就应该长起水疱来!耻辱从来不曾和他在一起,它不敢侵上他的眉宇,因为那是君临天下的荣誉的宝座。啊!我刚才把他这样辱骂,我真是个畜生!
Will you speak well of him
that kill'd your cousin?
乳媪 杀死了你的族兄的人,你还说他好话吗?
Shall I speak ill of him
that is my husband?Ah,poor my lord,what tongue shall smooth thy
name,When I,thy three-hours wife,have mangled it?But,wherefore,villain,why didst thou kill my cousin?Back,foolish tears,back to your native spring;My husband lives,that Tybalt would have slain;And Tybalt's dead,that would have slain my
husband:All this is comfort;wherefore weep I then?Some word there was,worser than Tybalt's death,That murder'd me:Tybalt is dead,and Romeo—banished;'That 'banished,'that one word 'banished,' Hath slain ten thousand
Tybalts.Tybalt's death Was woe enough,if it had ended there:But with a rear-wardfollowing,Romeo is banished,'to speak that word,Is father,mother,Tybalt,Romeo,Juliet,All slain,all dead.'Romeo is banished!' There is no end,no limit,measure,bound,In that word's death;no words can that woe sound.Where is my father,and my mother,nurse?
朱丽叶 他是我的丈夫,我应当说他坏话吗?啊!我的可怜的丈夫!你的三小时的妻子都这样凌辱你的名字,谁还会对它说一句温情的慰藉呢?可是你这恶人,你为什么杀死我的哥哥?回去吧,愚蠢的眼泪,流回到你的源头。我的丈夫活着,他没有被提伯尔特杀死;提伯尔特死了,他想要杀死我的丈夫!这明明是喜讯,我为什么要哭泣呢?还有两个字比提伯尔特的死更使我痛心,像一柄利刃刺进了我的胸中。“提伯尔特死了,罗密欧放逐了!”放逐了!这“放逐”两个字,就等于杀死了一万个提伯尔特。单单提伯尔特的死,已经可以令人伤心了;可是在提伯尔特的噩耗以后,再接连一记更大的打击,“罗密欧放逐了!”这句话简直等于说,父亲、母亲、提伯尔特、罗密欧、朱丽叶,一起被杀,一起死了。“罗密欧放逐了!”这一句话里面包含着无穷无际、无极无限的死亡,没有字句能够形容出这里面蕴蓄着的悲伤。——奶妈,我的父亲、我的母亲呢?
Weeping and wailingover
Tybalt's corse:Will you go to them?I will bring you thither.
乳媪 他们正在抚着提伯尔特的尸体痛哭。你要去看他们吗?让我带着你去。
Wash they his wounds with
tears:mine shall be spent,When theirs are dry,for Romeo's banishment.I'll to my wedding-bed;And death,not Romeo,take my maidenhead!
朱丽叶 让他们用眼泪洗涤他的伤口,我的眼泪是要留着为罗密欧的放逐而哀哭的。我要去睡上我的新床,把我的童贞奉献给死亡!
Hie to your chamber:I'll find RomeoTo comfort you:I wotwell where he is.Harkye,your Romeo will be here at
night:I'll to him;he is hid at Laurence'cell.
乳媪 那么你快到房里去吧;我去找罗密欧来安慰你,我知道他在什么地方。听着,你的罗密欧今天晚上一定会来看你;他现在躲在劳伦斯神父的寺院里,我就去找他。
O,find him!give this ring to my true
knight,And bid him come to take his
last farewell.
朱丽叶 啊!你快去找他;把这指环拿去给我的忠心的骑士,叫他来作一次最后的诀别。(各下。)
by 聚有戏