Good morning ! It's 7 o'clock. Here’s the weather report for some big cities in China.It is cloudy in Beijing,the highest temperature is 35 centidegrees and the lowest 25 centidegrees.In the northeast of China,Harbin, it is going to be rainy all day.Be sure to go out with your umbrellas.In Hong Kong there’s a beautiful sunshine.If you plan to travel there,the temperature is mild.The highest is 27 and the lowest 19 centidegrees.
That’s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening
早上好!现在7点钟。下面是一些中国大城市的天气报告。北京多云,最高温度为35摄氏度,最低25摄氏度.中国东北的哈尔滨,全天有雨.外出请带好您的雨伞.香港有美丽的阳光.如果您计划去那里,气温很柔和。温度最高为27 ,最低19摄氏度。