Sunshine 歌词 (出狱一团糟片头曲)

您好!Jonathan Edwards 的《Sunshine》 歌词 出狱一团糟的片头曲


Sunshine go away today, I don't feel much like dancing

Some man's come he's trying to run my life, don't know what he's asking

When he tells me I better get in line, can't hear what he's saying

When I grow up, I'm gonna make him mine, these ain't dues I been paying

How much does it cost?

I'll buy it!

The time is all we've lost

I'll try it!

He can't even run his own life,

I'll be damned if he'll run mine--sunshine...

Sunshine, go away today, I don't feel much like dancing

Some man's come he's trying to run my life, don't know what he's asking

Working starts to make me wonder where fruits of what I do are going

When he says in love and war all is fair, he's got cards he ain't showing

How much does it cost?

I'll buy it!

The time is all we've lost--I'll try it!

He can't even run his own life,

I'll be damned if he'll run mine--sunshine...

Sunshine, come on back another day,

I promise you I'll be singing

This old world, she's gonna turn around,

brand new bells will be ringing



Sunshine go away today, I don't feel much like dancing


Some man's come he's trying to run my life, don't know what he's asking


When he tells me I better get in line, can't hear what he's saying


When I grow up, I'm gonna make him mine, these ain't dues I been paying


How much does it cost?


I'll buy it!


The time is all we've lost


I'll try it!


He can't even run his own life,


I'll be damned if he'll run mine--sunshine...


Sunshine, go away today, I don't feel much like dancing

Some man's come he's trying to run my life, don't know what he's asking

Working starts to make me wonder where fruits of what I do are going


When he says in love and war all is fair, he's got cards he ain't showing


How much does it cost?

I'll buy it!

The time is all we've lost--I'll try it!

He can't even run his own life,

I'll be damned if he'll run mine--sunshine...

Sunshine, come on back another day,


I promise you I'll be singing


This old world, she's gonna turn around,


brand new bells will be ringing
