
温泉关战役是第二次波希战争中的一次著名战役。 前480年,波斯入侵希腊。斯巴达国王列奥尼达一世以其本国精兵300人及700名底比斯人在 温泉关抵挡了数量上远远超过他们的波斯军队长达三天。列奥尼达的军队挡住了当时认为唯一能通往希腊的通道,使得波斯军队在头两天不得寸进,并且死伤惨重。但在第三天,一个希腊当地的居民背叛希腊阵营,带领波斯军队沿着山区的小径绕到希腊联军的后方,见此列奥尼达解散了希腊联军,留下300名斯巴达精兵与700名底比斯志愿军,虽然这代表了他们必死无疑,他们仍然死守他们的位置,并且保护其他正在撤退中的希腊部队,波斯军队虽然最后成功的占领温泉关,但是承受了的极大的损失。 斯巴达率领的部队在温泉关勇猛的抵抗,给雅典的海军提供了宝贵的时间,使得在接下来海战中雅典能够获胜。雅典摧毁了大量的波斯船舰。失去了海军,波斯无法为他的陆军提供补给,这给波斯军队带来了致命的影响。薛西斯一世退回亚洲,留下了指挥官马铎尼斯(Mardonius),与大量的波斯军队,继续在他们已经占领的领土与希腊军队作战。最后在Plataea,希腊联军击溃了马铎尼斯(Mardonius),为波希战争划上句号。从此波斯再也无力入侵希腊。 据说当时只找到298具斯巴达战士的尸体,另外两人没有参加战斗跑回斯巴达。这两人遭到斯巴达人的鄙视。一人因为受不了家乡人的歧视,后来自杀;另一人则再次上战场,战死沙场。

In the Battle of Thermopylae of 480 BC an alliance of Greek city-states fought the invading Persian army in the mountain pass of Thermopylae. Vastly outnumbered

the Greeks held back the enemy in one of the most famous last stands of history. Persian King Xerxes lead a Army of well over 100

000 (Persian king Xerxes before war has about 170

000 army) men to Greece and was confronted by 300 Spart

700 Thespi and other Slave soldiers. Xerxes waited for 10 days for King Leonidas to surrender or withdraw left with no options he moved. The battle lasted for about 3 days and after which all 300 Spart were killed. The Spartan defeat was not the one expected as a local shepherd named Ephialtes defected to the Persi and informed Xerxes of a separate path through Thermopylae

which the Persi could use to outflank the Greeks. 这是电影战狼300的简介

参考: imdb/title/tt0416449/plotsummary