p a l e是什么意思
pale是英语中的一个单词,常用作形容词,表示“苍白的、暗淡的、薄弱的、娇弱的”等含义。例如:Her face looked pale when she heard the terrible news.(听到这个可怕的消息后,她的脸色显得苍白。)
除此之外,pale作动词时还可表示“相形见绌、失去活力、较差”等意思。例如:The film paled in comparison with the original book.(与原著小说相比,电影失去了它的活力。)
在美国和加拿大境内,pale还有一种含义,即“无围栏的围场、界限、领域”,一般用作名词。例如:The horses were grazing in the large pale.(马儿们正在大型的无围栏围场上放牧。)
pale在英语文学作品中经常被使用,与情感、气氛有着密切的联系。例如,莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中便有这样的描写:“What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension, how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me; no, nor women neither, nor women neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.”这句话表达了哈姆雷特对于人类的失望和苍白感。