
New chemical entity means a drug that contains no active moiety that has been approved by FDA in any other application submitted under section 505(b) of the act.

A new molecular entity is a drug that contains an active moiety that has never been approved by FDA or marketed in the US.


1. 前者(NCE)不含有曾经被FDA批准的合格的或者505(b)段下正在递交或者递交了的Active moiety,后者(NME)是含有从来不曾被FDA或者美国市场批准的Active moiety.

FDA的说明定义这个Active moiety 就是the molecule or ion responsible for the physiological or pharmacological action of the drug substance.


这两个定义看上去混乱其实还是有区别的,说得更直接一点,根据这个定义NME除了可以是NCE之外也可以是biological entities.

