idm 习语) after a `fashion to a certain extent, but not satisfactorily 达到一定程度(但尚未令人满意): I can play the piano after a fashion. 我多少会弹点钢琴. after/in the fashion of sb (fml 文) like sb; imitating the style of sb 像某人一样; 模仿某人的风格: She paints in the fashion of Picasso. 她模仿毕加索的绘画风格. (be) all the `fashion/`rage (be) the latest style or trend 流行(起来); (成为)时尚: Suddenly, collecting antiques is all the fashion. 收集古董突然盛行起来. come into/be in `fashion become/be popular 流行; 入时: Long skirts have come into fashion again. Faded jeans are still in fashion too. 长裙子又流行起来. 漂浅的牛仔裤也还很时髦. go/be out of fashion become/be unpopular as a style 不再流行; 过时. > fashion v [Tn, Tn .pr] ~ A from B/B into A give form or shape to sth; design or make sth 将某物做成某形状; 设计或制造某物: fashion a doll (from a piece of wood) (用木块)做成玩具娃娃 * fashion a lump of clay into a bowl 把黏土制成碗.
1. 时装 跟单常用语中英文对照 - 防骗内容页面 FASHION 时装 fashion 1. 制定,形成,改革 小草教学资源网 >> 备战09年硕士研究生... fashion制定,形成,改革 2. 时装 服装名称中英文对照 fashion时装[1]
动词+~ become the fashion 成为时髦〔时尚〕 come into fashion 开始风行 create a fashion 创新 design fashions 设计新式样 follow the fashion 赶时髦 get〔go〕 out of fashion 不再风行,过时 make fashion 做做样子 set a fashion 创立新式样,开创新风尚 形容词+~ current fashion 时新款式 entertaining fashion 娱乐方式 hairdressing fashion 发型 new fashion 新式样 old fashion 老式样 Oriental fashion 东方式样 peculiar fashion 奇特的式样 present fashion 目前流行的式样 routine fashion 常规 strange fashion 古怪的式样 summary fashion 概括的方式 the latest fashion 最新式样 Western fashion 西方的样式 名词+~ beach fashion 海滩服 dress fashions 流行的服装式样 the fall fashion 秋天的流行款式 ~+名词 fashion designer 时装设计师 fashion magazine 时装杂志 fashion photograph 时装摄影 fashion show 时装表演 介词+~ after a fashion 稍稍(地),勉强 in fashion 以…方式 out of fashion 不流行
fashion show 时装表演 after a fashion 勉强,不太好 fashion plate 时装样片,穿着时髦的人 fashion house n. 时装商店 in fashion 流行,时兴l atest fashion 最新流行型,新潮 fashion shares 流行股 fashion designer n. 时装设计师 fashion style 时样 fashion parts 异形配件 fashion magazine 时装杂志 random fashion 随机方式 fashion photography 样式摄影术 fashion model n. 时装模特儿 fashion cycle 时尚周期 after the fashion of adj. 模仿(照 ...... in a fashion adv. 勉强(多少,马马虎虎) all the fashion 风行一时 like it's going out of f... 就像快过时的东西一样(不值钱) shipshape and Bristol fa... 井井有条,整整齐齐