
P0 苏珊大妈也戴Links of London了

Susan Boyle has also put on Links of London Jewelries now!

P1 这应该是本年度最受瞩目的专辑了--苏珊?波伊尔(Susan Boyle)首张专辑。

The debut album of Susan Boyle, should be the most remarkable album this year.

P2 而经过了数周的苦苦等待,苏珊大妈的粉丝们终于可以有所慰藉了。专辑封面曝光,而且看起来并没有进行数码修改。

After weeks of anguished waiting, her fans are finally solaced. The album’s cover is exposed, and it looks like no digital touch up has been done.

P3 这张《我做了个梦》(I Dreamed A Dream)的黑白专辑封面,向我们展示了笑意浓浓的苏珊大妈——双手托腮,身穿珠片礼服,带着Links of London项链。

The cover of this album, “I Dreamed A Dream” is in black and white, showing a warm smiling Susan Boyle, holding her cheeks with both hands, spotting a spangled dress and wearing a Links of London necklace.

P4 尽管这张专辑须等到11月23日才开始发行,但它的成功已经是毋庸置疑的。

Even though the album will only be released on 23rd November, its success is beyond question.

P5 它已经成为亚马逊网畅销榜的冠军,成千上万的人都在网上下订,等待第一时间聆听她的声音。

It’s on the top of the best selling list of Amazon. com, thousands of people are ordering on the net, eagerly waiting to listen to her voice firsthand.

P6 据悉,苏珊大妈的专辑封面照选自她为全球著名时装杂志《Harper's Bazaar》(时尚芭莎) 拍摄的内页照,这件Links of London首饰也应该是造型之一。

It’s reported the portrait on the album cove was selected from the photographs taken from the inside page of world renowned fashion magazine, Harper’s Bazaar; the Links of London jewelry was a part of the modeling.

P7 此前,她曾被称为 “毛茸茸的天使”——因为她拥有浓密的眉毛和一头毫无造型可言的卷发。

Before this, she was called ”the hairy angel” due to her thick bushy eyebrows and a flock of unaesthetic curly hair.

P8 但这次,登上时尚杂志的封面给了这些讥讽一个很好的反击,她的Links of London更为她的魅力加了分。

However, appearing this time on the cover of a fashion magazine really strikes back those ridicules, and the Links of London she wears has enhanced her glamour.

P9 48岁的苏珊不仅登上了9月份的《时尚芭莎》,编辑们更用了大量篇幅撰写她的专访,并取名《苏珊?波伊尔:无名英雄》。

48 year-old Susan not only appears in the September issue of “Fashion Bazaar”, the editors have devoted many pages to report her interview and titled it “Susan Boyle—an unsung heroine ”.

P10 对此,一直面带微笑的苏珊表示,这真的让她觉得自己就像个好莱坞女星。“我的发型修整好了吗?”她开玩笑说。

With a persistent smile, Susan expressed that she felt like a Hollywood star. “Has my hair style fixed?” she jokingly asked.

P11 从封面上看,苏珊的这张照片并没有经过后期大修片。这也减除了部分人的担忧——害怕苏珊大妈进行了一次好莱坞明星大改造之后,不仅变味,吸引力也大大削弱。

Scrutinizing Susan’s photograph on the cover, no changes were done on her. This has eased some people’s concern, they are worried that after a major Hollywood star transformation, not only would her personality be changed but her appeal as well.

P12 今年4月份,《英国达人》评委阿曼达?霍顿(Amanda Holden)就已经放弃让苏珊大妈改变形象的想法。

In April this year, Amanda Holden, a judge of Britain’s Got Talent, had already given up the idea of changing the image of Susan Boyle.

P13 “她必须保持真我,做她自己,因为这才是我们爱她的原因。”

“She must keep her original and to be herself, because this is the reason we love her.”