field ['fi:ld] n. 1. 平原,旷野,田野 2. 一块开垦的土地,(一块)田,田地;牧场 3. (一块有某种特殊用途的)土地;场(地);机场 4. (某种自然资源的)产地,矿区,矿田,油田 5. 一望无垠的广阔区域,(广阔的)一大片,茫茫一片 6. 战场 战役;战斗 7. 战地 作战训练(或演习)区域 8. (社会工作者、地质学者等作业的)实地;现场;野外 (知识或特殊工作或机会的) 领域,范 围,方面,界 9. (显微镜、望远镜等的)视野 10. (旗或钱币的)底(子),底色 11. 运动场,(比赛)场地 田赛场 [美国英语]棒球 外场 全体参加竞赛者,参加比赛人数 棒球、橄榄球等(比赛的)全体出场的运动员 除名选手外的全体出场的运动员 棒球、板球防守队 12. 纹章学(盾形徽章的)底,纹底 13. 数学域(代数);场(几何) 14. 物理学场[参较 electric field, gravitational field, magnetic field] 15. 电视 扫描场 (隔行扫描)半帧[参较 frame] 16. 计算机 (计算机中的)域 字段,信息组 17. 病人正被施行手术的身体部位 adj. 1. 实地的,野外的 2. 野生的;田间的 3. 田间劳动的 4. 体育 在田赛场地进行的 田赛的 5. 军事野战的,战地的,第一线的 6. 在实地工作的 vt. 1. 棒 球、板球等按(或截)(球);守(球): 例句: He fielded the ball smartly.
他机敏地截住球。 2. 使参加竞选;把…投入战场;棒球、板球等指派(队员)上场 : 例句: to field a strong team
指派一支实力强劲的队伍参赛 3. 即席圆满回答,及时回答;当场反应;对…当场应付自如,善于应付 4. 保护;防卫;辩护 5. 把(农作物等)晒在场上 vi. 棒球、板球等担任外场员,担任守队队员;接守,接防: 例句: He fields well.
他接守得很好。 短语 1. a fair field均等的机会,平等的条件 2. a fair field and no fair机会均等,公正无私 3. a good field坚强的选手阵容 4. conquer the field达到目的;在争论中获胜;排除前进中的困难 5. enter the field上场,上阵;参加竞争;参加战斗 6. field of honour战场;决斗场 7. from left field令人吃惊的举动 8. hold the field
a. 军事继续战斗;继续活动;坚守阵地 b. 继续成为注意中心 c. 不退让;坚持自己的主张 9. in the field
a. 参加战斗,上战场 b. 参加比赛 c. 在实地;在现场;在野外 d. 在实际应用中,在实地试验中 e. 在某一领域(或范围、行业)内 10. keep the field= hold the field 11. late in the feild
a. (军队等)参战过迟;坐失良机 b. (比赛等)出场太晚 12. lead the field处于领先地位 13. leave someone the field不再与某人竞争(或辩论)下去 14. leave the field撤出战斗,退出比赛 15. leave the field open不加干涉 16. lose the field战败 17. open field无限多的机会 18. out (或 off) in left field
a. [美国俚语] b. 不合理的,错误的 c. 举止怪异的,疯癫的;神志错乱的 19. play the field
a. [美国口语](工作、恋爱等)不专一,三心二意,滥交情人 b. 从事多种活动;在广泛的领域中活动 c. (在赛马中) 广下赌注,把赌注下在热门马以外的全部赛马上 20. Richmonds in the field意想不到的敌人[有时亦作another Richmonds in the field] 21. take the field上阵,开始作战;开始比赛 field ['fi:ld] n. 1. a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed 例句: he planted a field of wheat
2. a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought 例句: they made a tour of Civil War battlefields
3. somewhere (away from a studio or office or library or laboratory) where practical work is done or data is collected 例句: anthropologists do much of their work in the field
4. a branch of knowledge 5. the space around a radiating body within which its electromagnetic oscillations can exert force on another similar body not in contact with it 6. a particular kind of commercial enterprise 例句: they are outstanding in their field
7. a particular environment or walk of life 8. a piece of land prepared for playing a game 例句: the home crowd cheered when Princeton took the field
9. extensive tract of level open land 例句: he longed for the fields of his youth
10. (mathematics) a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1 例句: the set of all rational numbers is a field
11. a region in which active military operations are in progress 例句: the army was in the field awaiting action
12. all of the horses in a particular horse race 13. all the competitors in a particular contest or sporting event 14. a geographic region (land or sea) under which something valuable is found 例句: the diamond fields of South Africa
15. (computer science) a set of one or more adjacent characters comprising a unit of information 16. the area that is visible (as through an optical instrument) 17. a place where planes take off and land v. 1. catch or pick up (balls) in baseball or cricket 2. play as a fielder 3. answer adequately or successfully 例句: The lawyer fielded all questions from the press
4. select (a team or individual player) for a game 例句: The Buckeyes fielded a young new quarterback for the Rose Bowl
以上来源于: WordNet