The protagonist of the film is the title character Aladdin, a young man living on the streets with no parents, no money, and no friends. Except for Abu, his faithful tiny monkey sidekick. Though trapped in a situation where his next meal will have to be stolen, Aladdin refuses to believe that he's merely a "street rat." This pickpocket with a good heart and big dreams hopes that one day he'll get a chance to show people that there's much more to him than they thought.
Meanwhile, inside the Sultan's advisor Jafar is a hunger for wealth and power that cannot be quenched. Sure, he can use his cobra staff to essentially hypnotize the Sultan into doing anything. But the Cave of Wonders and its endless riches call to his very tortured soul. As with any good villain, cunning and backhanded plotting is what Jafar sees as the path to his goal.
Then there's Jasmine, the Sultan's daughter, whose reluctance to fall for some highfalutin suitor has her father afraid and uneasy. Jasmine's disinterest seems merited. She's discontent with the sheltered princess existence, and only has her animal sidekick (Rajah, a grand tiger) to confide in. Looking for more, Jasmine escapes from the palace one night, hoping to find adventure and unpredictability.
What she finds outside the palace walls is that people are fast and not always friendly. Just moments into her introduction to the marketplace and she's about to get her hand chopped off. But Aladdin, who is struck by Jasmine's beauty, steps in and eases out of the situation like the pro he is. Jasmine is quickly as taken by Aladdin's charm as he is with her, thinking she's from his class of commoners. But the two are separated before Jasmine can even get his name, and Aladdin's embarassed and disappointed to realize that his new potential love interest is royalty.
For Aladdin, there is a silver lining to getting captured and locked in a dungeon by Jafar and his cronies. Jafar's ulterior motives are to get the boy to make him rich via the Cave of Wonders. But in the process, Aladdin finds a magic lamp and inside, a great and powerful Genie. Aladdin is now the Genie's master and entitled to three wishes. The Genie's whirlwind entrance, 35 minutes into the film, introduces a unique animated character. Infused with the voice and spontaneity of actor/comedian Robin Williams and not bound by any spatial or logical limitations, Genie is a free spirit. The irony of it is that freedom is the one thing Genie does not have. As a genie, he must serve whoever rubs the lamp.