波士顿律师 第一季 第三集 sally陈词 英文剧本

One day, I was in my kitchen. I think I was about 15. And in came Fred, my big chocolate Lab. And

in his mouth was a dead rabbit. The neighbor’s pet rabbit. And I thought “This is it for Fred.” If they find out he

killed their adored pet, Animal Control would be down, and --. So, I took the rabbit. Washed him off in the sink.

Pulled out the blow dryer. Got him all white and fluffy looking. And I snuck over to my neighbor’s backyard and I

put him back in his cage, hoping they’d think he died of natural causes. That night my parents came into my

room. The neighbor’s pet rabbit had died three days ago, they told me. They buried him in the woods. And

some wacko evidently dug him up, washed him off, and put him back in the cage. (A few jurors are smiling).

But I remember thinking to myself the truth is not only stranger than fiction, but often less believable. And that’s

what we have here, ladies and gentlemen. The logical version, I suppose, is that my client stole that wallet.

The less believable, but quite possibly true account, is that he mistook it for his own. Nobody, not one of us, can

be sure it didn’t happen exactly the way Ramone Valesquez said it did. That’s reasonable doubt.