Hitch movie critic Love is a major problem that is recognized, at least not many people know what research his life is the real love. 不过有人成为了爱情学问研究的佼佼者,并且屡试不爽。 But some academic research has become the leader of love and time-tested. 只是他没有用在自己身上去肆意地玩弄爱情,而是教会别人如何去勇敢地追求自己的真爱。 But he did not deliberately used to playing with himself to love, but to teach others how to courageously pursue their true love. 这就是希什,威尔·史密斯扮演的爱情专家。 This is the shish, Will Smith plays a love expert. 在他的精心指导下,一对对有情人终成眷属,而这其中,大部分都是男人在他这里学到如何去追求自己心爱的女人。 Under his careful guidance, pairs of lovers to get married, and this one, most of them are here to learn how his men to pursue his beloved woman. 于是一场场看似偶遇的邂逅不断发生…… Then encounters a field appears to encounter the ongoing ... ...
有趣的是,他没有自己的爱情。 Interestingly, he did not own love. 就像他的顾客嘲讽他的,在他销售爱情这个商品的时候,他自己竟然从来没有去相信它。 As he ridiculed his customers in his sales love this product, he that he was never to believe in it. 他曾经被他认为是爱情的东西伤害过,尽管那已经是很久之前的事情。 He had been what he believes is love hurt, although it has been a long time before the thing. 我想我该明白他的对于爱情手段的研究应该在于痛定思痛勃然大怒之后的绝地反击。 I think I understand what he means for the study of love is to work hard to be furious counterattack after the Jedi. 我看过很多这种被爱情伤害或者被爱情藐视后的反击,有人开始肆意玩弄爱情游戏,走马灯式地换着女朋友;有些人更单纯的把单身作为追求欲望享受的借口。 I have seen many of these were despised love love after being hurt or counterattack, it was started deliberately play love games, lantern-style land for the girlfriend; some people even a simple desire to enjoy the pursuit of the single as an excuse. 他没有,他的绝地反击在于固守,在于坚持,在于对他人爱情的信仰,尽管这种信仰看似那么空泛却被他在行动中奉之为圭臬。 He did not, he must stick to counter lies, lies persist is the belief of love to others, although this belief seems so vague and been venerated by his actions as a standard.
我再次看到他在被受到误解伤害后的难以抑制的悲伤,对着一个他爱的女人,他红着眼圈,却只说了几个字:你伤害了我。 Once again, I saw him after being hurt by misunderstanding unquenchable sorrow, against a woman he loved, he Hongzhe Yan circle, but only say a few words: you hurt me. 伤害会是什么? Damage will be? 爱情能拿伤害怎么样? How kind of love could get hurt? 伤害会怎么样对待爱情。 What happens to treat injuries love. 他有过一段创伤,她被一段噩梦困扰。 He had a wound, she was troubled by a nightmare. 影片最感人的地方在于两个人在她家沙发上的谈心。 The most impressive is the film where two people talk to her home on the sofa. 看似没有浓情蜜意的花前月下,他被消过敏的药喝醉了,谈吐中隐约流露出的曾经的伤害;她向他坦诚了那个故事,三分钟改变了一个人的一生。 Seemed to have no passion Mi Yi's drawing near, he was allergic to the drug consumption drunk, talked in vague showing the former injury; She told him frankly of that story, three minutes to change a person's life. 一分钟前,人还活着,而另一分钟后,生命会经历一段考验。 A minute ago, were still alive, and another minutes later, life will be through a test. 生与死的交替之间让她只有不断地投入工作。 Alternating between life and death she continued to work only. 爱情,也许是她生命中可有可无的东西。 Love, perhaps something of her life dispensable.
两个人就这样改变了,爱情就在看似精心设计的追求中开始。 In this way two people change, love in the pursuit of seemingly well-designed to begin. 女人渴望浪漫的想象在这里被淋漓尽致地得到满足。 Women want a romantic idea here is most vividly to be met. 电影最后,他帮助成就的一对恋人中的女友问他在关于爱情的这场追逐中做了什么,他如实地回答,他什么也没有做。 Film Finally, he helped in the achievement of a pair of lovers girlfriend asked him love the chase on what to do, he answered truthfully, he has done nothing. 一切的一切全部在于爱人提供的对她的关注和感知。 All is love and everything provided for her attention and perception. 满足她的需要,原来有时候爱情就这么简单;告诉她你爱她,原来有时候爱情就这么简单。 Meet her needs, had sometimes love is so simple; tell her you love her, had sometimes love's that simple. 他终于有勇气去奔跑到自己相爱的女人面前手舞足蹈语无伦次地表演了他拙劣的示爱能力。 He finally have the courage to run to their love of a woman dancing in front of his incoherent to show poor ability to love. 在属于他自己的爱情前面,他第一次开始感觉到了对她说出“我爱你”这三个字的重要性了。 Love in front of his own, he first began to feel for her to say "I love you" three words is important.
我为这部电影感动,不仅在于它教会你如何更好地爱人,更重要的在于教会你懂得爱情的真谛:那就是随时随地去感知她的需要,去创造机会满足和实现她的需要。 I moved for the movie, not only because it teaches you how to love better, more important is the church you know the true meaning of love: that is, to sense that her need for anytime, anywhere, to create opportunities to meet and fulfill her needs. 爱情的学问也许就是在复杂和简单中徘徊,就看施爱的人如何去经营和收获了。 Love of learning is probably wandering in the complex and simple, it depends on the person to love how to operate and gain.