"charisius" 中文翻译:夏里修斯
"charipper" 中文翻译:查里珀
"charism" 中文翻译:n. =charisma.
"chariots rumble and roll" 中文翻译:马萧萧
"charisma" 中文翻译:n. (pl. -mata ) 1.神学(迷信者所说的领袖人物的)超凡魅力,神授能力。 2.众望所归的作领导的特殊本领[品质]。 charismatic adj.
"chariots of fire" 中文翻译:奥斯卡最佳原创音乐奖电影《火战车》主题曲; 第54届奥斯卡最佳影片; 火地战车; 火战车(仙境的新世纪名曲); 火之车; 火之战车; 烈火战车; 双片典藏版; 四轮马车
"charisma carpenter" 中文翻译:模特凯瑞斯玛卡朋特
"chariots and cavalry" 中文翻译:车骑
"charisma engine" 中文翻译:则含有专为
"chariots" 中文翻译:火的战车; 火战车
Fewer than three?chari?- ties does not cut it
For?charis?[ 5 ] , who maketh all sweet things for mortal men , by lending honour unto such maketh oft the unbelievable thing to be believed ;?
but the days that follow after are the wisest witnesses
Ningbo hengda metal products manufacturer co . , ltd ( ningbo hengda i / e co . , ltd ) , a joint venture established in 2000 , is a professional manufacturer of outdoor products?
like patio heaters , barbecues , tents , camping?charis?, gas water heaters , arrowhead etc
There is in man ' s nature , a secret inclination and motion , towards love of others , which if it be not spent upon some one or a few ,?
doth naturally spread itself towards many , and maketh men become humane and?chari?; as it is seen sometime in friars