韦发特Antonio Vivaldi (1675-1741) 意大利作曲家和指挥。 生于意大利威尼斯,父亲是父为理发师和业余小提琴家,早期随父亲学习音乐,后为威尼斯圣马可教堂乐队成员。他幼年即显示音乐才能,被允许顶替父亲参加乐队,因此经常接触到威尼斯音乐传统。与此同时又接受教士训练。十五岁起他开始受教士训练,十年之后学业完成而成为一名神父,即1703年授职神父,因为头发红色,人们称他为「红发神父」。不久,他转任威尼斯一间女孤儿院的音乐指导和指挥,任职十五年间,他作了许多协奏曲以供学院的学生演奏。他的创作才华将巴罗克的协奏曲提升至新领域。但他突然决定放弃神职生涯而还俗。 虽然韦发第的专长在作曲及音乐表演方面,但他几乎终生献身于威尼斯的孤儿附属女子音乐院,教导那些年轻孤女,在当时这样的孤儿真是满街都是。这个音乐院,正是当时音乐界的明日之星,但显然在取向上有些偏颇,他们只向韦发第及其他几位音乐老师学习弦乐器。自此,这些年轻学生时常开高水准的音乐会,而使威尼斯成为音乐重镇,许多人慕名而来。在筹备及规画这些音乐会方面,韦发第扮演了一个重要的角色,并培育出不少知名的作曲家和音乐家。 韦发第后期因经常赴各地演出和指挥,使该院逐渐对他不满,并对他进行了约束,其音乐也渐渐失去威尼斯人的欢迎。失望之余他赴维也纳投奔查理六世,但查理不久便去世,奥国陷入继承王位的战争,再次的打击使他一病不起,终于到达维也纳一年后便病逝他乡。 韦发特是小提琴家兼作曲家,一生作43部歌剧,音乐品质虽高,但其中朗诵调过多,剧本也嫌沉闷,不为现代人欢迎。其宗教音乐(清唱剧、赞歌等)显示了高超的威尼斯复调传统 ,但也多不为世人所知。最受人欢迎的还是器乐作品,计有450多首协奏曲和73首奏鸣曲,其中96首协奏曲和42首奏鸣曲在生前即已出版。后来其音乐渐被遗忘,到19世纪中,人们发现巴哈曾采用其协奏曲作为作曲资料,才恢复了对他的作品的兴趣。 其中很多是独奏协奏曲(Solo Concerto),而小提琴协奏曲「四季」(The Four Seasons)便是他最受世人爱戴白不朽名曲。「四季」***有「春」、「夏」、「秋」、「冬」四首协奏曲,各具快、慢、快三个乐章。这是一套写给独奏小提琴、弦乐队和古键琴的协奏曲,乐谱上有诗句标明音乐所描写的内容。 ?巴罗克乐期伟大的意大利作曲家和小提琴家 ?建立协奏曲快、慢、快三个乐章的形式 cbt.edu/~ccp/music02/vivaldi ccckyc.edu/subject/music/main21 tedu/education/music/Vivaldi.ppt
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (March 4
Venice – July 28 (or 27)
nicknamed Il Prete Rosso ("The Red Priest")
was a Veian priest and baroque music poser
as well as a famous violinist Style and influence Most of Vivaldi's repertoire was rediscovered only in the first half of the 20th century in Turin and Genoa and was published in the second half. Vivaldi's music is innovative
breaking a consolidated tradition in schemes; he gave brightness to the formal and the rhythmic structure of the concerto
repeatedly looking for harmonic contrasts and invented innovative melodies and themes. Moreover
Vivaldi was able to pose non-academic music
particularly meant to be appreciated by the wide public and not only by an intellectual minority. The joyful appearance of his music reveals in this regard a trmissible joy of posing. These are among the causes of the vast popularity of his music. This popularity soon made him famous in other countries such as France which was
at the time
very independent concerning its musical taste. Vivaldi is considered one of the posers who brought Baroque Music (with its typical contrast among heavy sonorities) to evolve into a classical style. Johann Sebastian Bach was deeply influenced by Vivaldi's concertos and arias (recalled in his Johannes Passion
and cantatas). Bach trcribed a number of Vivaldi's concertos for solo keyboard
along with a number for orchestra
including the famous Concerto for Four Violins and Violoncello
Strings and Continuo (RV 580). Vivaldi remained unknown for his published concerti
and largely ignored
even after the resurgence of interest in Bach
pioneered by Mendelssohn. Even his most famous work
The Four Seasons
was unknown in its original edition. In the early 20th century Fritz Kreisler's concerto in the style of Vivaldi
which he passed off as an original Vivaldi work but which was actually by Kreisler
helped revive Vivaldi's fortunes. This impelled the French scholar Marc Pincherle to begin academic work on Vivaldi's oeuvre. The discovery of many Vivaldi manuscripts and their acquisition by the National University of Turin Library
with the generous sponsorship of Roberto Foa and Filippo Giordano (in memory of their sons
Mauro and Renzo)
led to renewed interest in Vivaldi. People like Marc Pincherle
Mario Rinaldi
Alfredo Cassela
Ezra Pound
Olga Rudge
Arturo Toscanini and Louis Kaufman were instrumental in the Vivaldi revival of the 20th century. The resurrection of Vivaldi's unpublished works in the 20th century is mostly thanks to the efforts of Alfredo Casella
who in 1939 anised the now historic Vivaldi Week
in which the rediscovered Gloria in excelsis (RV 589) was first heard again. Since World War II Vivaldi's positions have enjoyed almost universal success
and the advent of historically informed performances has only increased his fame. In 1947
the Veian busines *** an Antonio Fanna founded the Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi
with the poser Gian Francesco Malipiero as its artistic director
with the purpose of promoting Vivaldi's music and publishing new editions of his works. A movie titled Vivaldi
a prince in Venice was pleted in 2005 as an Italian-French coproduction
under the direction of Jean-Louis Guillermou
featuring Stefano Dionisi in the title role and Michel Serrault as the bishop of Venice. Another film inspired by the life of the poser is in a preproduction state: it has the working title Vivaldi
is produced and directed by Boris Damast
and is slated to have Joseph Fiennes in the title role. Vivaldi's music
together with that of Mozart
Tchaikovsky and Corelli
has been included in the theories of Alfred Tomatis on the effects of music on human behaviour
and used in music therapy.
参考: en. *** /wiki/Vivaldi