清代老银锭,它身上聚集了岁月积淀,同时又有历史文化,自然超越了纯银本身,具有很大收藏价值,银锭在中国历史上曾是长期用于流通的货币,亦是最坚挺和最重要的储存手段Old silver ingots of the qing dynasty have accumulated years and historical culture, which naturally surpasses the pure silver itself and has a great value of collection. Silver ingots were used as the currency for long-term circulation in Chinese history, and they are also the most robust and important means of storage
此银锭为椭圆形元宝,椭圆的两边有上翘的双翅,中间半圆,呈马蹄形。上刻着“福”字,底下刻着“大清银锭”。银锭保存环境独特,四周品相完好,宝面维持原铸银光,银质温润洁白,宝气摄人心魄,状态无以伦比。因此,此枚大清银锭老银锭十分值得收藏,而且未来还会继续升值,真可谓银锭收藏中的一匹“黑马”。此枚宝面完美开阔,戳记清晰舒展,造型优美,原始包浆,品种与品相均属可遇而不可求。This silver ingots for the oval, oval on both sides of the two wings turned up, the middle semicircle, horseshoe-shaped.Engraved on the word "fu", engraved on the bottom of the "qing dynasty silver ingots".Silver ingots preservation environment is unique, all around the product is intact, the face to maintain the original cast silver, silver warm and white, the spirit of the treasure is breathtaking, state beyond comparison.Therefore, this big clear silver ingot old silver ingot is very worthy of collection, and the future will continue to appreciate, really can be called silver ingot collection in a "dark horse".The face of this treasure is perfectly open, the stamp is clear and unfurling, the shape is beautiful, the original pulp is wrapped, the variety and the product are all met but not sought.
大清顺治银锭 人们对银锭并不陌生,古代影视文学作品中总有白花花的银子存在,但银锭收藏在很长一段时间内却属冷门,但随着艺术品市场的发展收藏的热度,银锭越来越重要。银锭是古代基础货币之一,我国历史上银两的货币功能始于汉代之前,隋唐以前称为“银饼”,宋金时期称为“银锭”,元代称为“元宝”,明清两代白银作为主要货币流通,铸造甚多。今天我们所见的银锭,以明清两朝及民国初期留存下来的居多,但由于近代对贵金属流通市场的控制,民国初年“废两改元”的实施,银锭停止流通,大量被销熔,目前民间存世量不大,蕴藏着极大的升值潜力。People are not unfamiliar with silver ingots in shunzhi of the qing dynasty. There are always silver ingots in the ancient film and television literature works. However, silver ingots have been in the minority for a long time.Silver ingots are one of the basic currencies in ancient China. The monetary functions of silver and silver in Chinese history began before the han dynasty. Silver ingots were called "silver cakes" in sui and tang dynasties, "silver ingots" in song and jin dynasties, and "silver ingots" in yuan dynasty.Today we see the silver ingots, to the Ming and qing dynasties and the early republic of China retained the majority, but due to the control of the precious metal circulation market in modern times, the early republic of China "scrap two yuan" implementation, the silver ingots stopped circulation, a large number of melt down, the existing private amount is not large, containing great appreciation potential.