
1. 我是左撇子 作文600字










2. 左撇子有什么缺点


首先。因为大家都是右手拿筷子。你 用左手。坐的近的话会跟人“打架”的。就是老是碰到别人的筷子。







3. 第一次当左撇子作文

XX年07月09日 星期一 天气:晴 “我要当左撇子!”我突然举起左手向天花板喊道,妈妈伸长脖子四处张望着:“哪个小猪头说这么傻的话呢?”我一本正经地说到:“人在江湖飘,哪能不挨刀?我想当大侠,就得去挑战!我要当左撇子。

“还没等老妈发言,我就开始了大侠养成记。 第一步——用左手写字 我顿了顿,用左手把笔拿起,写我的名字,原以为很简单,但写得很歪头歪脑的,难看极了。

正所谓说着容易,做起来难呀。真不知道左撇子们的《习字册》怎么得“优星”的呢? 第二步——用左手吃饭 这是个有着极大难度的挑战,上了饭桌的我,习惯性地把摊在桌上的筷子用右手拿了起来,老妈看了我一眼,我连忙换了只手,老妈一笑而过。


第三步——用左手打字 我打开电脑,打下“左撇子”,用了足足七秒钟,如果是用两只手,三秒钟就搞定了。 真是倒霉!要知道,当左撇子都这么不简单,别说当什么大侠了,所以无论做什么事情,都是不容易的,只要坚持,都会有收获。

4. 用左手写字 作文主题

1. 每个人都应该有许多尝试,右手会写字,可以尝试用左手写。多一项技能终归不是一件坏事。


2. 左手写字适用于这样一些人,重度左撇子,用右手写不好字甚至写不了字;一些由于某些原因右手受损而不得不用左手写字的人;老年人和一些有意识练习左手书法,运动左肢健体养生的人。随着社会越来越开放,对人的个性更尊重,也有一些人选择用左手写字,西方这个群体已达相当比例,中国也可能越来越多。






5. 那位高人能帮俺指点下左撇子作文啊



When we talk about left-handers, we will first imagine someone writing with left hand. But do you know that some left-handers use right hand to write. Even you are a left-hander, however, you don't know that.

OK, what's a left-hander exactly? To explain this, we should start from our brain first. Brain is divided into o hemispheres, right hemisphere and left hemisphere. Each hemisphere controls another side of the body. That means right hemisphere controls left body, and left hemisphere controls right one. A left-hander is just a person who has a stronger right hemisphere brain, so he or she would like to use his or her left body to do most of things. For example, walking in dark night, they also use their left feet to touch the unknown field. Unforninately, in tradition, children all are told to use right hands to write, so, lots of internal left-handers use their right hands to write.

Look at our bodies. They are symmetric(al), why most of people prefer to work with right part, not left part? Anthropologists found some interesting things. In the ancient world, about 8000 BC, they found the tools that made by our ancestors, were used by any hand. But after 3500 BC, the tools became to be only used by only one hand, and most of them were used by right hand. Why human choose the right side. No one can explain it exactly. But after all, our ancestors made one choice: let's practice right side more.

Today, right-handers are surely more than left-handers. But are you sure that you are not left-handed even you use your right hand to write? There is a simply test. First, relax. Second, get a pen, and circle on a paper with one hand. Three, another hand. If you circled all in clock-side, maybe you are a left-hander in fact.

6. 那位高人能帮俺指点下左撇子作文啊

左撇子是“left-hander” Left-handers When we talk about left-handers, we will first imagine someone writing with left hand. But do you know that some left-handers use right hand to write. Even you are a left-hander, however, you don't know that. OK, what's a left-hander exactly? To explain this, we should start from our brain first. Brain is divided into o hemispheres, right hemisphere and left hemisphere. Each hemisphere controls another side of the body. That means right hemisphere controls left body, and left hemisphere controls right one. A left-hander is just a person who has a stronger right hemisphere brain, so he or she would like to use his or her left body to do most of things. For example, walking in dark night, they also use their left feet to touch the unknown field. Unforninately, in tradition, children all are told to use right hands to write, so, lots of internal left-handers use their right hands to write. Look at our bodies. They are symmetric(al), why most of people prefer to work with right part, not left part? Anthropologists found some interesting things. In the ancient world, about 8000 BC, they found the tools that made by our ancestors, were used by any hand. But after 3500 BC, the tools became to be only used by only one hand, and most of them were used by right hand. Why human choose the right side. No one can explain it exactly. But after all, our ancestors made one choice: let's practice right side more. Today, right-handers are surely more than left-handers. But are you sure that you are not left-handed even you use your right hand to write? There is a simply test. First, relax. Second, get a pen, and circle on a paper with one hand. Three, another hand. If you circled all in clock-side, maybe you are a left-hander in fact.。