


Si:但我以认为国王可以随心所欲呀!--But I thought a king can do

whatever he wants

M:当国王可不只是--There's more to being king

一直做你想做的事--than getting your way all the


Si:那还有什么?-- There's more?

M:辛巴-- Simba

世界上所有的生命--Everything you see exists


都在一个微妙的平衡中--in a delicate balance

身为国王,你不但要了解那个平衡--As king, you need to understand

that balance

还要去尊重所有的生命--and respect all the creatures

包括爬行的蚂蚁和跳跃的羚羊--from the crawling ant to the

leaping antelope

Si:但是,爸爸,我们不是吃羚羊的吗?--But, Dad, don't we eat the


M:是的,辛巴,让我解释一下吧--Yes, Simba, but let me explain

我们死后呢,我们的身体体会变成草--When we die, our bodies become

the grass

而羚羊是吃草的--and the antelope eat the grass

所以我们都联系在--And so we are all connected

这个神秘巨大的生命圈里--in the great circle of life




往下看--Look down there

Si:那不是我父亲--That's not my father

那只是我的倒影--That's just my reflection

R:不,仔细看--No Look harder

你看见了吗--You see?

他因你而活--He lives in you



M(g):辛巴,你已经忘了我--Simba, you have forgotten me

Si:不!我怎么忘得了--No How could I?

M(g):你已经忘了你是谁--You have forgotten who you are

那也不会记得我了--and so have forgotten me

好好看看你自己的内心吧,辛巴--Look inside yourself, Simba

你真不该是现在这个样子--You are more than what you have


你一定要在生命圈中找到你自己的位置--You must take your place in the

circle of life

Si:我怎么能回去呢?--How can I go back?

我已经不再是以前的我了--I'm not who I used to be

M(g):要记住你是谁--Remember who you are

你是我儿子,一位真正的国王--You are my son, and the one true


要记住你是谁--Remember who you are

Si:不!求求你,不要离开我--No! Please, don't leave me!




Si:不要离开我--Don't leave me


R:那是什么?--What was that?

这天气,咦--The weather Pbbah!

非常特别。你不这样认为吗?Very peculiar, don't you think?

Si:是呀,看来风向要变了--Yeah Looks like the winds are changing

R:哦,改变是好事--Ahh, change is good

Si:是呀!但这并不容易--Yeah, but it's not easy

我知道我得做些什么--I know what I have to do

可是回去意味着我必需面对我的过去--but going back means I'll have

to face my past

我已经逃避过去那么久了--I've been running from it for so


哦!天啊!你这是干嘛?--Oww!Jeez! What was that for?

R:那并不重要,它都过去了--It doesn't matter It's in the past

Si:是呀!但还是疼呀--Yeah, but it still hurts

R:哦,没错,过去是痛楚的--Oh, yes, the past can hurt

但是依我看--But the way I see it

你可以选择逃避它--you can either run from it

或向它学点什么--or learn from it

哈,你学会了那你接下来要干嘛?-- Hah, you see! So, what are you going to do?

Si:首先,我要拿走你的拐杖--First, I'm gonna take your stick

R:不,不,不,不!别拿我拐杖--No, no, no, no! Not the stick!

嘿!你要到哪儿去?--Hey! Where are you going?

Si:我回去了!--I'm going back!

