尘埃 Dust to Glory (2005)
恋恋笔记本The Notebook (2004) 丫丫姐妹们的神圣秘密 Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002)
亚特兰蒂斯:失落的帝国 Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Clint Eastwood: Out of the Shadows (2000)
最后的辩论 Last Debate, The (2000)
太空牛仔 Space Cowboys (2000)
一夜情缘 One Special Night (1999)
法中戏 Legalese (1998)
黎明时分 Twilight (1998)
Dead Silence (1997)
三个总统一团糟My Fellow Americans (1996)
西域双煞 Streets of Laredo (1995)
赌侠马华利 Maverick (1994)
落日 Sunset (1988)
墨菲罗曼史 Murphy's Romance (1985)
坦克奇谋父子兵 Tank (1984)
雌雄莫辩 Victor/Victoria (1982)
夺命影迷 The Fan (1981)
狗凶手They Only Kill Their Masters (1972)
骗中骗 Skin Game (1971)
侠盗双雄Support Your Local Sheriff! (1969)
龙虎山决斗Hour of the Gun (1967)
霹雳神风Grand Prix (1966)
二十九壮士 Duel at Diablo (1966)
A Man Could Get Killed (1966)
长相忆 Mister Buddwing (1966)
良缘巧遇The Art of Love (1965)
三十六小时谍报战36 Hours (1965)
丁副官The Americanization of Emily(1964)
泡沫之恋 The Thrill of It All (1963)
移情别恋 Move Over, Darling (1963)
大逃亡The Great Escape (1963)
大富翁趣事 The Wheeler Dealers (1963)
双姝怨The Children's Hour (1961)
樱花恋 Sayonara (1957)
双豹趣史 Toward the Unknown (1956)
少爷从军记 The Girl He Left Behind(1956)