The Bad Beginning

ENGLISH VERSION: The novel tells the story of three children



and Sunny Baudelaire

who are orphaned by an arsonous fire and sent to live with their distant and conniving cousin Count Olaf. The novel begins with a dedication to a mysterious Beatrice

whom Snicket describes as "darling


dead". The author then provides a brief explanation of why the book should not be read

before describing the series' protagonists: Violet Baudelaire

a 14-year old *** inventor; Klaus Baudelaire

a 12-year old who loves to read

and Sunny Baudelaire

an infant with unusually powerful teeth. 取自「en. *** /wiki/Or

_Orph!#The_Bad_Beginning.3B_or.2C_Orph.21」 CHINESE VERSION: 波特莱尔三姐弟(紫儿、克劳斯和桑妮)的豪华大宅邸在一场无名大火后烧毁,父母双亡,于是,遗嘱执行人波先生将他们带往欧拉夫伯爵家。 欧拉夫伯爵的脚踝上有一个眼睛刺青,他和他的剧团总是会做一些不法的勾当。欧拉夫伯爵把目标锁定在波特莱尔家的财产,收养三姐弟之后,总是一再的虐待他们,甚至计划要娶紫儿为妻,好夺取他们家的财产。在千钧一发之际,波特莱尔三姐弟揭穿了他邪恶的计划,但欧拉夫伯爵和他的剧团却逃之夭夭,还宣誓说一定会再回来夺取波特莱尔家的财产。 取自「zh. *** /w/index?title=波特莱尔大遇险1—悲惨的开始&oldid=24290913」

参考: ***

图片参考:ecx.images-amazon/images/I/51SM7G3JEVL._SL500_AA300_ This book is talking about The Bad Beginning