双语例句一:They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard. 他们低声耳语惟恐被人听见。
双语例句二:The villagers began to gather, loitering a moment in the vestibule to converse in whispers about the sad event. 村里的人们开始集合,在走廊里逗留了片刻的工夫,以便互相耳语,谈谈这桩不幸的事情。
双语例句三:'I knew this would happen,' she said in a stage whisper. “我早知道会出这样的事。”她轻声说给所有人听。
双语例句四:It is bad manners to whisper in company. 在众人面前窃窃私语是不礼貌的行为。
双语例句五:Her voice fell to a whisper. 她的声音变小,成了耳语。She spoke in a fierce whisper. 她恶狠狠地低声说话。
双语例句六:They spoke in whispers. 他们在交头接耳。She spoke in a husky whisper. 她低沉沙哑地轻声说话。
双语例句七:His voice died away in a whisper .他的声音渐渐变为了小声低语。'So what do you think?' she said in a hoarse whisper .“那么你认为如何?”她声音嘶哑地悄声问道。