
明星:皮特·波斯尔思韦特 英文名:Pete Postlethwaite 出生日期:1946年2月16日 国籍:英国 身高:179cm


2010-Clash of the Titans 诸神之战/泰坦之战 2007-Closing the Ring (演员).....Michael Quinlan 2006-幽灵之子 Ghost Son (演员).....Doc Szellemgyermek 2005-不朽的园丁 The Constant Gardener (演员).....Dr. Lorbeer aka Dr. Brandt 疑云杀机 / 执著的园丁 / 永远的园丁 / 无国界追凶 / 执着的园丁 魔力女战士 Aeon Flux (演员).....Keeper


鬼水怪谈 Dark Water (演员).....Veeck 鬼水凶灵美国篇 Red Mercury (演员).....Gold Commander 2004-Strange Bedfellows (演员).....Russell McKenzie 2003-走向黑暗 Gone Dark (演员).....Gale 2002-刺客 Triggermen (演员).....Ben Cutler 陌生人之间 Between Strangers (演员).....John 2001-真情快递The Shipping News (演员).....Tert Card 航运新闻 / 梦魇浮生 2000-天罪 When the Sky Falls (演员).....Martin Shaughnessy 变鼠记 Rat (演员).....Hubert 1999-爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland (演员).....Carpenter 动物农庄 Animal Farm (演员).....Benjamin/Farmer Jones (voice) 1998欲望天堂 Among Giants (演员).....Raymond 'Ray' 1997-蛇之吻 The Serpent's Kiss (演员).....Thomas Smithers 失落的世界:侏罗纪公园续集 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (演员).....Roland Tembo 断锁怒潮 Amistad (演员).....Holabird 勇者无惧 / 阿米斯塔德号 真相 Bandyta (演员).....Sincai 1996-飞天巨桃历险记 James and the Giant Peach (演员).....Old Man 罗密欧与茱丽叶后现代激情篇 Romeo + Juliet (演员).....Father Laurence 龙之心 Dragonheart (演员).....Gilbert of Glockenspur 魔龙传奇 / 魔幻屠龙 / 屠龙记 奏出新希望 Brassed Off (演员).....Danny 1995-非常嫌疑犯 The Usual Suspects (演员).....Kobayashi 1994-隔墙有眼 Suite 16 (演员).....Glover 第66届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 66th Annual Academy Awards (演员).....Himself 沙普的伙伴 Sharpe's Company (演员).....Sgt. Obadiah Hakeswill 沙普的敌人 Sharpe's Enemy (演员).....Sgt. Obadiah Hakeswill 1993-因父之名 In the Name of the Father (演员).....Giuseppe Conlon 1992-异形3 Alien 3 (演员).....David 最后的摩根战士 The Last of the Mohicans (演员).....Capt. Beams 水之乡 Waterland (演员).....Henry Crick (as Peter Postlethwaite) 争分夺秒 Split Second (演员).....Paulsen 1990-哈姆雷特 Hamlet (演员).....Player King 金银岛 Treasure Island (演员).....George Merry (as Peter Postlethwaite) 1988-远方的声音 Distant Voices, Still Lives (演员).....Father 1977-决斗的人 The Duellists (演员).....Man shaving Gen. Treillard (as Peter Postlethwaite)