Why are human eye colours restricted to brown, blue, green, and in extremely rare cases, red, as opposed to other colours?
单词eye [ahy][a?] n. 眼睛
单词colours 原型 colour(也可以写作color) ['k?l?] n. 颜色
单词restricted 原型:restrict [ri-'strikt][r?'str?kt] vt. 限制;约束
单词brown [broun][bra?n] adj. 棕色的;褐色的
单词blue [bloo][blu?] adj. 蓝色的
单词extremely [ik-'streem-lee][?k'stri?mli] adv. 非常;极其
单词rare [rair][re?] adj. 罕见的;珍贵的
单词opposed 这里是过去分词作形容词用,表示“相反的”, 原型:oppose [uh-'pohz][?'pz] v. 反对;对抗;使对立
Eye color is in the Iris, and the Iris has two layers, a back layer that's always fully pigmented, and a thicker front layer.
单词layer ['ley-er]['le] n. 层
单词fully ['foo?l-ee, 'foo?l-lee]['f?li] adv. 十分地;完全地;全部
单词pigmented [p?ɡ'ment?d] adj. 有颜色的
单词thicker 原型:thick 形容词比较级 [thik][θ?k] adj. 厚的;浓密的;粗的
单词Iris ['ahy-ris]['a?r?s] n. 虹膜
The pigment is melanin, same that makes our skin different colors.
单词pigment ['pig-muhnt]['p?ɡm?nt] n. 色素; 颜料
单词melanin ['mel-uh-nin]['mel?n?n] n. 黑色素
单词skin [skin][sk?n] n. 皮肤;外皮
Now when the front layer is densely pigmented, it appears dark, like brown or even black (though shine a bright enough light and you'll see black eyes are just very dark brown).
单词densely [dens][densli] adv. 密集地;浓厚地
单词shine [shahyn][?a?n] v. 照耀;发光;投光于
单词bright [brahyt][bra?t] adj. 明亮的;阳光的;生动的
If it's not pigmented, it appears light blue.
Same reason the sky's blue, light scatters in it.
单词sky [skahy][ska?] n. 天空
单词scatters 原型:scatter ['skat-er]['sk?t?] vt. 散播;撒 vi. 分散;消散
Light scattering is a different topic, but basically short wavelengths (ie blue) bounce differently in the fluffy front layer without pigment.
单词topic ['top-ik]['t?p?k] n. 题目;话题;标题
单词basically ['bey-sik-lee]['be?s?kli] adv. 基本上;主要地
单词wavelengths 原型:wavelength ['weyv-length]['we?vle?θ] n. 波长;波段
单词bounce [bouns][ba?ns] vi. 弹起
单词differently ['dif-er-uhnt-lee, 'dif-ruhnt‐]['d?fr?ntli] adv. 不同地
单词fluffy ['fluhf-ee]['fl?fi] adj. 毛绒绒的;蓬松的;空洞的
What about in between?
Well it turns out if there's pigment but it's not super dense, it's a bit of a lighter brown or dark orange.
单词super ['soo-per]['su?p?] adj. 超级的;极好的
单词dense [dens][dens] adj. 密集的;稠密的;浓密的
单词lighter ['lahy-ter]['la?t?] adj. light的形容词/副词比较级,更浅的
单词orange ['awr-inj, 'or-]['?r?nd?] adj. 橙色的
We call these amber eyes.
单词amber ['am-ber]['?mb?] adj. 琥珀的;琥珀色的
If it's between amber and blue, then it's like a cross between light orange and blue.
单词cross [kraws, kros][kr?s] n. 交叉
That's how you get green eyes.
So that's how you get the spectrum: from blue to green to amber to brown to black.
单词spectrum ['spek-truhm]['spektr?m] n. 系列;幅度;范围;光谱
So what about "red" or "violet" eyes?
单词violet ['vahy-uh-lit]['val?t] adj. 紫色的
Turns out I lied in the beginning; that back layer I mentioned that's always pigmented isn't in a medical condition: Albinism.
单词lied 原型:lie [lahy][la?] v. 说谎
单词beginning 原型:begin [bih-'gin][b?'ɡ?n] v. 开始
单词mentioned 原型:mention ['men-shuhn]['men?n] vt. 提到;说起
单词medical ['med-i-kuhl]['med?kl] adj. 医疗的;医学的;医药的
单词condition [kuh?n-'dish-uh?n][k?n'dn] n. 条件;情况
专有名词Albinism ['al-buh-niz-uhm]['?lb?n?z?m] n. 白化病;皮肤变白症
These folks unfortunately have a defect in producing melanin pigment, which is why they all have fair skin and light hair and such.
单词folks 原型:folk [fohk][fk] n. 人们;(某类或来自某个地方的)人
单词unfortunately [uhn-'fawr-chuh-nit][?n'ftn?tli] adv. 不幸地;遗憾地
单词defect ['dee-fekt]['di?fekt] n. 缺点;缺陷
单词fair [fair][fe?] adj. (皮肤、毛发等)浅色的;白皙的
So why red?
It's the same reason you can get red eyes in flash photography; the red is the color of the retina in the back of the eye.
单词flash [flash][fl] n. 闪光(灯)
单词photography [fuh-'tog-ruh-fee][f?'t?ɡr?fi] n. 摄影
单词retina ['ret-n-uh, 'ret-nuh]['ret?n?] n. 视网膜
Flash photography causes you to accidentally image peoples retinas.
单词accidentally [ak-si-'den-tl][ks?'dent?li] adv. 偶然地;意外地;附带地
单词image ['im-ij]['?m?d?] vt. 拍摄;描绘
Now without the pigment in the back layer of the iris, the iris almost functionally becomes like Saran Wrap; it's clear and doesn't block out light anymore.
单词functionally ['fuhngk-shuh-nl]['fkn?li] adv. 功能上;机能上
单词block out v. 阻塞,阻断
单词anymore [en-ee-'mawr, -'mohr]['en?m] adv. (通常用于疑问句或否定句中,与not连用)再,也,还
专有名词Saran [suh-'ran][s?'r?n] n. [化]丝龙(一种合成纤维)
单词wrap [rap][r?p] n. 包装材料
So when you see red (or violet) eyes, you're seeing retina through their Iris.
Side note: this is one reason why folks with albinism have poor vision.
单词vision ['vizh-uhn]['vn] n. 视力;视觉
The purpose of the iris is to act like a camera aperature.
单词purpose ['pur-puhs]['pp?s] n. 目的;决心;意图
单词camera ['kam-er-uh, 'kam-ruh]['k?m?r?] n. 照相机;摄像机
Without pigment, it can't block out light like an aperature, removing a whole element of the focusing system of the eye.
单词removing 原型:remove [ri-'moov][r?'mu?v] v. 消除
单词element ['el-uh-muhnt]['el?m?nt] n. 要素;元素
单词focusing 原型:focus ['foh-kuhs]['fk?s] v. (使)集中;聚集;聚焦
Disclaimer: this is a bit of an oversimplification of how eye colors work, but it's fundamentally not too far off.
单词disclaimer [dis-'kley-mer][d?s'kle?m?] n. 放弃;弃权;免责声明
单词oversimplification [oh-ver-'sim-pluh-fahy][?vs?mpl?f?'ken] n. 过于简化
单词fundamentally [fuhn-duh-'men-tl-ee][?f?nd?'ment?li] adv. 从根本上;基本地
The genetics that go into eye color get very complex, don't think it's some single gene thing; I know this explanation makes it seem like there's just one toggle, but that's not how the genetic part of it works.
短语part of ... (某事物的)一部分;例句:He received part of his education in England. 他有一部分教育是在英国接受的。
单词genetics 原型:genetic [juh-'net-ik][d'net?k] adj. 遗传的;基因的;起源的
单词complex [kuhm-'pleks]['k?mpleks] adj. 复杂的
单词gene [jeen][d?i?n] n. 基因
单词explanation [ek-spluh-'ney-shuhn][?ekspl?'nen] n. 解释;说明
单词toggle ['tog-uhl]['t?ɡl] n. 触发器;开关