关键词:J2ME,Java,Ecilpse,手机游戏,MIDP ABSTRACT
This article introduces something about mobile telephone game.For example, the background and the objective and the meaning of it,and the developing status in in-country and out-country.And then introduces the character and the style of telephone game and the basic principle of telephone game exploitation.
And then this article introduces Java language and J2ME flat of telephone game exploitation, also narrate how to build J2ME flat. That would be propitious to reader to make a design.And this article also introduces something about Eclipse and MIDP application in addition.
In succession,this article introduces the configuration and idea and correlation technique of telephone games development.Mainly comes down to Canvas and Graphics,and plot technic in games,and how to use Obfuscator and how to debug simulator.
Finally,this article explains the code of telephone games and the program structure,readers will be understands the phone games in this article.
Keyword:J2ME,Java,Eclipse,telephone game,MIDP
目 录
1.绪 言 5
1.1 手机游戏研究的背景 5
1.2 手机游戏研究的目的和意义 5
1.3 手机游戏的国内外现状 6
1.4 手机游戏概述 7
1.4.1 手机游戏特征 7
1.4.2 手机游戏的类型 8
1.4.3 手机游戏设计的基本原则 8
2.开发环境及相关技术的介绍 10
2.1 JAVA语言特点 10
2.2 J2ME概述 10
2.3 J2ME体系结构 11
2.4 关于ECLIPSE 13
2.5 J2ME开发环境的搭建 13
2.6 MIDP应用程序 14
3.程序结构、思想和相关技术 15
3.1 本程序需解决的有关技术问题 15
3.2 程序流程图 15
3.3 绘图与MIDP2.0新增的GAMECANVAS包 16
3.3.1 Canvas类 17
3.3.2 Graphics类 17
3.3.3 PNG格式 17
3.3.4 有关绘图的一些技术 18
3.4 内存使用最佳化 18
3.5 混淆器(OBFUSCATOR)的使用 19
3.6 模拟器的调试 19
4.程序分析和编写手机代码 20
4.1 进入游戏前的选择 20
4.2 主游戏逻辑及其涉及到的若干类 20
4.2.1 程序的菜单选项 20
4.2.2 游戏的设定 21
4.2.3 游戏的界面绘制 24
4.2.4 游戏中板的出现和小人位置的检测 25
6.总结与展望 26
7.致 谢 27
参考文献 28