狼刚把话说完,就从床上跳起来,把小红帽吞进了肚子,狼满足了食欲之后便重新躺到床上睡觉,而且鼾声震天。一位猎人碰巧从屋前走过,心想:“这老太太鼾打得好响啊!我要进去看看她是不是出什么事了。”猎人进了屋,来到床前时却发现躺在那里的竟是狼。 “你这老坏蛋,我找了你这么久,真没想到在这里找到你!”他说。他正准备向狼开枪,突然又想到,这狼很可能把奶奶吞进了肚子,奶奶也许还活着。猎人就没有开枪,而是操起一把剪刀,动手把呼呼大睡的狼的肚子剪了开来。他刚剪了两下,就看到了红色的小帽子。他又剪了两下,小姑娘便跳了出来,叫道:“真把我吓坏了!狼肚子里黑漆漆的。”接着,奶奶也活着出来了,只是有点喘不过气来。小红帽赶紧跑去搬来几块大石头,塞进狼的肚子。狼醒来之后想逃走,可是那些石头太重了,它刚站起来就跌到在地,摔死了。
人们还说,小红帽后来又有一次把蛋糕送给奶奶,而且在路上又有一只狼跟她搭话,想骗她离开大路。可小红帽这次提高了警惕,头也不回地向前走。她告诉奶奶她碰到了狼,那家伙嘴上虽然对她说“你好”,眼睛里却露着凶光,要不是在大路上,它准把她给吃了。 “那么,”奶奶说,“我们把门关紧,不让它进来。”不一会儿,狼真的一面敲着门一面叫道:“奶奶,快开门呀。我是小红帽,给你送蛋糕来了。”但是她们既不说话,也不开门。这长着灰毛的家伙围着房子转了两三圈,最后跳上屋顶,打算等小红帽在傍晚回家时偷偷跟在她的后面,趁天黑把她吃掉。可奶奶看穿了这家伙的坏心思。她想起屋子前有一个大石头槽子,便对小姑娘说:“小红帽,把桶拿来。我昨天做了一些香肠,提些煮香肠的水去倒进石头槽里。”小红帽提了很多很多水,把那个大石头槽子装得满满的。香肠的气味飘进了狼的鼻孔,它使劲地用鼻子闻呀闻,并且朝下张望着,到最后把脖子伸得太长了,身子开始往下滑。它从屋顶上滑了下来,正好落在大石槽中,淹死了。小红帽高高兴兴地回了家,从此再也没有谁伤害过她。
Once there was a lovely little girl, who met with like, but the most like she is her grandmother, is just like her whatever they want to give her anything. Once, grandma gave little girl a velvet do little red riding hood, be worn on her head just right. From then on, girls don't like to wear any other hat, then everybody will call her "little red riding hood".
One day, my mother to red riding hood said: "come, little red riding hood, here's a piece of cake and a bottle of wine, quick give grandmother sent, grandma is ill, body is weak, eat these will feel better now. While it was still no heat, hurriedly go for it. On the way better easy, don't run, nor from the main road, otherwise you may fall, that grandma what also eat. To grandma, don't forget to say" good morning ", also do not have entered the room just east look west Chou."
"I'll be careful." Red riding hood said to his mother, and also guarantee mom and shake handshandle.
Grandmother lives in the village outside the forest, from little red riding hood home has a long road. Red riding hood just walked into forest, they met a Wolf. LRRH don't know the Wolf is bad guy, so no fear of it.
"Hello, little red riding hood," said he.
"Thank you, Mr. Wolf."
"Little red riding hood, want to go so early?"
"I want to grandma."
"You that apron have below what ah?"
"Cake and wine. Yesterday we home cooked some cake, poor grandma is ill, we should have some good things to recover."
"Your grandmother lives where ah, little red riding hood?"
"Into the woods is still some way? Her house is in three tree big oak tree, lower around for the fence. You must know that." Red riding hood said.
A Wolf in the heart contemplating: "this little thing XiPiNenRou, taste is better than the old woman sure. I want to pay attention to the strategy, let they all escape my finger." So it with little red riding hood away for a while and then said: "little red riding hood, look around how beautiful the flowers are! Why not look back a look? Are these birds and their sings how beautiful! You probably didn't hear? The woods all how good ah, yet you just go ahead, like go to school as well."
LRRH looked up and see the sunshine in TiaoDang, back and forth between the trees around the beautiful flowers open, then think: "maybe I'll pick a handful of flowers for grandma to make her happy. Now the night is still young, I won't go later." So she went into the woods, from the main road to adopt. She plucked every flower, total feel lipingwere more beautiful flowers, then and walked along, result walked as deep in the woods.
At this time, the Wolf but ran straight to grandma and knocked on the door.
"Who is it?"
"Little red cap." The Wolf answered, "I bring you the cake and wine here. Which is open."
"You pull the door bolt went," grandma said in a loud voice, "my body had no strength to get up."
The Wolf just pull the door bolt, the door open. The Wolf without further ado blunt to grandma's bed, the grandma swallowed into the belly. Then she put on grandma clothes, put on her hat, lie on the bed, also drew the curtain.
But then little red riding hood also ran to adopt. Until picked a lot of many, she couldn't get her! She just remember grandma, take on the road to grandma's.
See grandma's door open, she felt very strange. She walked into a room has an uncanny feeling, in the heart then think: "heavens! Usually I love so much to my grandmother's house, today how so afraid?" She shouted: "good morning!" , but didn't hear the answer. She went to bed before open curtain, see grandma lying in bed, hats pulled down low over his face, the cover, appearance is very strange.
"Ah, grandma," she said, "your ears how so big?"
"In order to better to listen to you ah, darling."
"But grandma, what's the matter with your eyes so big?" Red riding hood asked again.
"In order to more clearly see you ah, darling."
"Grandma, your hand how so big?"
"Can better hold you ah."
"Grandma, your mouth how big very scary?"
"Can one mouthful eat you up!"
The Wolf just finish words, he jumped out of bed, the little red riding hood swallowed into the belly, Wolf satisfy the appetite and was then to lie down on the bed, and snoring thundering. A hunter happened to walk, from front thought: "this old lady snore played good ring!" I'm going to see if she is what happened." The hunter into the house, and come to bed before you find lay there was a Wolf. "You this old sinner, I have found you so long, I never found here you!" He said. He is preparing to shoot, suddenly and thought of the Wolf, the Wolf is likely to put into the belly, grandma swallow grandma may still alive. The hunter shot, but there is no hold a pair of scissors, begin to sound sleep the Wolf's stomach cut apart. He just cut two times, we will see a little red cap. He cut off two, little girl then jumped out, call way: "really scared me! The Wolf belly dark." Then, grandma also come out alive, just a little breathless. Red riding hood ran moved to a few big stones, tucked into the Wolf's stomach. The Wolf woke up to escape, but the stone is too heavy, it just stood up and fell to the ground and fell dead.
Three people was very happy. The hunter peel the Wolf skins and went home, Grandma ate little red riding hood bring cake and wine, spirit better: But little red riding hood but think: "if my mother not allowed, I lifetime don't leave alone road and ran into a forest."
People said, red riding hood later once the cake for grandma, but also in the way I have a Wolf with accosted her, trying to cheat her off the main road. But the little red riding hood heightening security, without looking back forward. She told grandma met Wolf, that guy grebe although said to her "hello" in his eyes, but revealing the XiongGuang, if it weren't for the road, it must give her to eat. "So," grandma said, "we're the door tightly, don't let it in." Not and in a short while, the Wolf really a knock at the door a call way: "grandma, quick door-opentype ah. I am little red riding hood, bring you the cake comes." But they neither speak, not to open the door. This long gray guy around the house turned two or three laps, finally jumped on roof, going to wait LRRH come home in the evening secretly with behind her, while dark ate her up. Can be seen through this guy's grandmother bad state of mind. She remembered beown house have a big stone tank, then to little girl said, "little red riding hood, the barrel to fetch it. Yesterday I did some sausages, make some boiled water to pour into sausage stone slots." LRRH carry a lot of water, put the stones tank packed to overflowing. Sausages smell floated into a Wolf nostril, it muscled his nose to smell smell, and down! Looking, and in the end the neck stretched too long, the body start slipping. It from the roof slipped, exactly landed in the big stone runnel, drowned. LRRH cheerfully have returned home, no longer had who hurt her.