it was a good thing I'd taken a registered vehicle, because you never knew, did you? Though I couldn't see any special registration number of anything, and I didn't think to make a note of his licence plate—and it wouldn't have made any difference, I don't suppose.
拉她去酒店的司机告诉她最好乘有牌照的车(即使在世界上很安全的少数几个城市)你也不知道会发生什么。 虽然我没看见司机有任何特殊的牌照,我也不想记住他的牌照--我认为那(记住车牌)不会有什么不一样
然而:When the woman said I don't suppose, she meant that she didn't believe that it wouldn't have made any difference whether she had made a note of the licence plate or not.