roll with the punches
You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business.
Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.
pop one’s cork
I’ve never seen Teresa pop her cork before. I always thought she was a very
laid-back person.
down and out
Sarah was down and out after losing her job and her apartment.
That man is really kooky. He has fifty-three cats!
clean up one’s act
You’d better clean up your act if you want to go to a good school.
Grace is always correcting other people. She thinks she’s a know
on the up and up 光明正大,诚实无欺 I checked out his story, he’s on the up and up. 我核实过他所讲的事情,他诚实可靠。
uppity 自命不凡 Don’t be so uppity. You don’t think we’re good enough for you? 不要那么自以为了不起。你难道认为我们配不上你吗?
on cloud line 飘飘然(原以为在九重天上) Daphne was on cloud nine for days after Chip asked her to the prom. 棋谱邀请戴夫妮参加学校班级舞会,她兴奋了好几天。
cough it up(不情愿地)付钱 Cough it up. I know you have the twenty dollars. 付钱吧。我知道你有这二十美金的。
half-baked 肤浅的,半吊子 How do you come up with all these half-baked ideas? You should think them out more carefully. 你怎么会想出这些肤浅的主意的?你应该仔细的考虑考虑。
apple-polisher 马屁精 例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way she s crawling around the boss and making eyes at him. 她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。
airbrain / airhead 呆 子 Joyce can't understand anything. She's such an airbrain. 乔伊斯什么都不懂,她是个呆子。
all ears 全 神 贯 注 Whenever you tell Johnny some gossip, he's all ears. 每 当 你 说 闲 话 给 乔 尼 听 时, 他 总 是 全 神 贯 注。
all-out 尽 力, 全 力 以 赴
The team made an all-out effort to win the game.
这 支 队 伍 全 力 以 赴 赢 得 比 赛。
ntsy 焦 躁 不安
After waiting around for so long, Paul started to get antsy.
等 了 这 么 久,保 罗 开 始 焦 躁 不 安。
ad news 讨 厌 鬼
Marcy is nothing but bad news around here.
玛 郗 真 是 这 一 带 的 讨 厌 鬼。
big shot 大 人 物, 大 头
You can tell John is a big shot; he rides in a limousine wherever he goes.
你 可 以 看 出 约 翰 是 个 大 人 物, 无 论 去 那 里 他 都 坐 豪 华 轿 车。
birdbrain 白 痴
Joy is a real birdbrain in some ways.
乔 依 在 某 方 面 是 不 折 不 扣 的 白 痴。
blabbermouth 大 嘴 巴; 爱 说 闲 话 的 人
I don't like Don because he's a blabbermouth.
我 不 喜 欢 唐,因 为 他 爱 说 人 闲 话。
lockhead 笨 蛋
Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.
阿 诺 德 是 我 见 过 最 笨 的 人。
bogue 假 惺 惺
Craig really bogue at times. I wish he'd stop telling those disgusting stories.
克 莱 克有 时 真 是 假 惺 惺,我 希 望 他 不 要 再 说 那 些 恶 心 的 故 事 了。
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 精 神 奕 奕
Joanna always shows up at work bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
乔 安 娜 工 作 时 总 是 精 神 奕 奕。
cool 帅; 潇 洒
He's so cool. All the girls want to go out with him.
他 真 帅,所 有 的 女 生 都 想 跟 他 出 去。
softie 善 良 的 人
Samantha is such a softie. She doesn't have a mean bone in her.
撒 玛 莎 真 善 良, 她 心 里 没 有 一 丝 恶 意。
stick in the mud 保 守 的 人
Ginny is such a stick in the mud. She never wants to try anything new.
詹 妮 真 保 守, 她 从 不 想 尝 试 新 的 东 西。
keep one's shirt on
shape up
You‘d better shape up if you want to stay on.
hit it off
They hit it off instantly and have been good friends ever since.
go whole hog
She went whole hog in planning he New Year's Eve party.
hung over
Don‘t disturb him. He’s still hung over from last night.
Don‘t be so uppity。 You don‘t think we’re good enough for you?
bleeding heart
The liberal candidate was accused by his conservation opponent of being a bleeding heart on welfare
Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just the way he talks.
bad news
Marcy is nothing but bad news around here.
High and mighty(趾高气扬,神气活现),
through thick and thin(不 顾艰难险阻)
out of sorts(不 舒服的,不高兴的),up in the air(十分激动,气愤,悬 而未决),as stiff as a poker(生硬,刻板),as cool as a cucumber(泰然自若,即为冷静),as slippery as an eel(油 滑的) ,tooth and nail(接近全 力的),hammer and tongs(全力以赴的),in a breeze(轻而易举地),