
1、说[shuō] ?say; speak; talk; theory


a. (说) speak; talk; say:

说得多做得少 ?talk much but do little;

b.(解释) explain:

他说了又说, 我还是不懂。He explained and explained, but I still couldn't understand.

c.(责备; 批评) scold; criticize:

孩子做错了事, 母亲说了他一顿。The mother gave her child a scolding for his wrongdoing.

(2)言论; 主张?

theory; teachings; doctrine:

著书立说 write books to expound a theory;

2、说[shuì] ?try to persuade

(说服别人听从自己的意见) try to persuade:


go around urging rulers to adopt one's political views; peddle an idea; drum up support for a scheme or plan