
Cassandra,卡珊德拉或翻译为凯珊卓,希腊文:Κασσ?νδρα。特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯(King Priam)的女儿。古希腊神话中又一个可怜的悲剧人物。 (古希腊神话之所以那么震撼,就在于他的悲剧基调,这样的基调是用于古希腊人对命运的认识。他们认为命运产生悲剧,命运的主宰是连众神之神的宙斯都无能为力的) Cassandra作为祭祀住在阿波罗神殿里,她的美貌打动了阿波罗,于是阿波罗赋予她预言的能力。(还有一种传说是:Cassandra住在阿波罗神庙里,有一天晚上,一条神庙里的蛇在Cassandra熟睡中舔了她的耳朵,从此,Cassandra便可以听到未来了。)作为回报,阿波罗向Cassandra提出发生肉体关系的要求,结果被Cassandra拒绝了。阿波罗一怒下向她施以诅咒:凡她说出口的预言将百发百中,然而谁也不信以为真,她的预言能力将成为她日后无尽痛苦的根源。在戏剧 《阿加门农》中,此故事似乎被描述为Cassandra曾许诺阿波罗,她愿意做阿波罗的妻子,但是Cassandra并没有遵守诺言,所以她遭受了惩罚。 Cassandra在特洛伊被破城之前,预言过特洛伊木马计,以及阿迦门农之死和自己的终结。正因为她拥有预知能力却没有人相信她,她对此无能为力,才感到痛苦万分。 在特洛伊战争之后,Cassandra避难于雅典娜神庙,但却遭到小埃阿斯Ajax the Lesser 强暴(可怜的女人啊)。前面的朋友说阿迦门农杀死了小埃阿斯,但是还有一个版本是说小埃阿斯是被海神波塞冬杀死的,或者又说是被雅典娜杀死的。 而Cassandra的去世,也有两种说法:一说她在希腊舰队归航途中船沉丧命,另一说认为她被克吕泰涅斯特拉杀害。 In Greek mythology, Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. Her beauty caused Apollo to grant her the gift of prophecy. However, when she did not return his love, Apollo placed a curse on her so that no one would ever believe her predictions. In an alternative version, she spent a night at Apollo's temple with her twin brother Helenus, at which time the temple snakes licked her ears clean so that she was able to hear the future. This is a recurring theme in Greek mythology, though sometimes it brings an ability to understand the language of animals rather than an ability to know the future.[2] Apollo loved Cassandra and when she did not return his love, he cursed her so that her gift would become a source of endless pain and frustration. In some versions of the myth, this is symbolized by the god spitting into her mouth; in other Greek versions, this act was sufficient to remove the gift so recently given by Apollo, but Cassandra's case varies. From the play Agamemnon, it appears that she made a promise to Apollo to become his cons